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Mumīs Diary

This is Mumīs Diary during this pregnancy

We started to talk about baby some month ago and we also decided that baby can gome when ever is our time to have one or more. Only thing we didnīt know was that our time was here...

17th of July

I had sort of funny feeling and I was few days late so I decided to go and buy a pregnancy test. I was scared to see the test result butat the same time I couldnīt wait. And there were those famous two blue lines. Me and your dad we were little bit shock but also very happy! We couldnīt think that we succeed right away!

24th of July

I had birthday yesterday. And your dad was pressing me to call to the child and mother health centre so we could be more positive that we have a baby coming. I called to the nurse and she was very nice in phone. She promesed to send me some papers so we could read those before first visit. First visit day is going to be in 18.8:).

of August

I was in Red Crosses contact camp (camp where are disabled and non-disabled youth and everybody helps everyone, so there is no payed helpers). My duty in the camp was Nurse, and some of the leaders guessed that I were pregnant because I refused to lift anyone. Helsinki`s market place in Kauppatori I found beatiful kit of socks and gloves and I had to buy it... There were a hardest part to hide that kit! It was great camp and lovely people once again! I decided to come back also in next year!

18 of August

First visit in Health Center! I was really nervous! Luckily your dad wanted to come along so I didnīt have to be alone with my nervousness... Bloud pressure was high 154/90 but I guess that it was just because I was SO nervous. Hemoglobin was quite low, 118 but itīs not too low tho. After those tests the Nurse talked with us and asked guestions like how my mood was changing. I started to smile and your dad asked me to told it... I really think that I after pregnancy I have to buy a whole Rosegarden to your dad, I have been that awful sometimes...

29th of August

I decided to tell my mum... It wasn`t really easy to tell... I asked if she had anything against the fact that she is going to be granmother. She looked at me and I started to explane like well I am 27 and my loveone is 33, and I have gratuated twice and... She stopped me and sayd " Did I say anything against the baby?" :) We told your dadīs sister(aunt) and parents later, like to my dad too.

11th of September

Today awful things happened in The U.S. Terrorists attacted to World Trade Center in New York and to Pentagon in Washington D.C with hi-jacked jumbo jets. Terrorists had 4 planes, full of people and one of the planes crashed down in Pittsburg. Both WTC-towers with 110-floors falled down and burried thousands of people including rescue-workers under the rocks. In Pentagon plane crashed to one corner of the building when people were working inside. About 5000 lives were lost in thos e terrible actions. I am glad that you weren`t here yet to see this lost. Hopefully some good will come out of this and people understand how much unity meens and how precious life is. But right now I feel sadness and I give my sympathy for everyone who lost someone in this action.

18th of September

Our second visit to Health Center and first doctortime too. Bloodpresure was much better 124/80 but hemoglobin was still low 117. After mid-wifes examination was doctortime and our changes to hear Thumbers heartbeat at the first time. It was wonderful when it started to beat!! Doctor asked ypur dad to come in and when we started to listen again Thumber was moved a bit, so at first we didn`t hear anything but when the beat started to hear your dad started to smile with me!:) When we left the Center ther were 3 squerrels in park next by and they started to follow us and they didnīt seem to be afraid at all! Nice one!

29th of October

We saw you at the first time! This was our first time in ultra sound and ofcourse we were little nervous and also little curious to see you. First the nurse put some jelly to my tummy and started to looking for you from the monitor. Then we all saw you! It first seemed like little bouncing in a screen, it was your little little heart:) Then we started to see other parts of your body too, hands, head, legs... Your father said that he saw your face and was curtain that you waved to him:) The nurse said that your weight was about 320g and that we have to come and check your weight later.

13th of November

Time to health center and there were really nice mid-wife student who asked if she could check us today. I promised and I wasnīt sorry at all she really was that nice. I sure that she will make a really good mid-wife when she is gratuated, she was warm and she was intrested what was going on with us. Bp was 128/72 your heart was beating strongly and also you meved a lot:)

27th of November

Second time in ultra sound. It wasnīt that "new" anymore so I wasnīt so nervous but I really wanted to see you again and so did your dad. Head nurse wondered why the other nurse wanted us to come and check your weight, she said that your weight was just right and there wasnīt no need for extra check, but she check you anyway. And again same jelly to my tummy and soon there you were in a screen:) I tryed to see your face and are you a little girl or boy, but you were so shy that you turn your back to us. Anyway it doesnīt matter if you are boy or girl, you will be very loved in both ways :) You have gathered weight a lot and now itīs 603g.

11th of December

Health center and that nice student again. Also today we will meet the doctor the second time. My hemoglobin was little low, 110, and I was feeling little tired but otherwise everything was fine bp 131/81. I was given some Retafer tablets to get hemoglobin little higher.

27th of December to 6th of January

We spend christmas time in countryside it was lovely time and lots of snow and candles. You got also some presents like Winnie-the-Pooh book and a hat. When we came home, suddenly your dad said that his tummy was hurting and after few hours I had to call an ambulance. When we arrived to the hospital it took only couple of hours when he was taken to the operation room. He had to stay there a really long time and sometimes you also gave me a hard time in home. I think that you knew that something was wrong... Your aunt tried her best to brighten me up. One day she invited me to their house after I visited your dad in a hospital and I went there to see your cousin Sohvi but there was suprising party for me! BABY SHOWER!! Lots of eating and tons of presents for me and you. And there was hair dresser paid for me to the next morning! Finally your dad was able to come home!! It was great day for both of us I was hugging him with tears in my eyes and you were kicking me hard when you heard your dads voice:)

10th of January

Another check-up in Health center. blood presure was little high 116/93 and my weight was 1,6kg lower than last time, but my mid-wife said that there was nothing to worry about. Hemoglobin was 118 althought Retafer was still in a box... Your heartbeat sounds everytime so sweet! ghou, ghou, ghou, ghou... :)

11th of January

Notice that motherhood box was in a post office arrived! I tried to drive your dad crazy because I wanted to go and get it home right away! He tried to drive me crazy by saing that we will pick it up later in a evening... ;) Finally we picked it up. There was beatiful green sleeping-back with teddy bear figures, and lots of clothes and other baby stuff. Did you know that Finland is the only country in a world where goverment gives that kind of boxes free for mums?

30th of January

Health center visit. Bp 123/87 and everything seems to be fine :) your heartbeat was so strong and sweet that I couldnīt help smiling.

9th of February

My last day in a work! Taxi-driving can now wait! And your dad will be only one who is working in our family for sometime:)

13th of February

I was asked to teach one youth group about the radiophones. I teach them and we played "sinking the ships"-game for while and when we had to end the game suddenly those kids started to sing happy birthday song for me and I was really suprised what was going on... My friends were organized suprise baby shower for me!! There were Minna "Kaasis", Raila, Heidi with Emppu, Milla and Tiia. Your dad knew also about the baby shower but he didnīt say anything to me... :P We had lots of to eat, cake was really delicious, and then you and I we got some gifts: 2 tickets to movies (for your dad and me), bunny, clothes for you and some equipments for me. It was fun time and the second baby shower! You really are wanted baby! Some of our friends couldnīt make it but they send us greetings:) they were, Stina, Maijastiina, Jussi, Marko, Mika and Katja.

14th of February

Happy Valentines day little Thumber! My mothervacation started today officially. Today was also check up in Health center. Everything seemed to be fine Bp was 128/80 and your heartbeat strong as usual. I gave a heart shaped lollipop from us, she looked little suprised:) After that we went to visit your cousin Sohvi. We had great time there and your ant wanted to take some photoes of us and my tummy...

19th of February

Our last time to doctor before your birth. Our own nurse wasnīt there and this nurse was also pregnant:) Bp was 120/78 and again everything was fine. I told the doctor about the little problems that I have with my right leg. Sometimes it feels like I am going to fall down and leg is hurting really badly. Doctor said only that its probably because every place is streching and getting ready for giving birth. She didnīt want to guess your birth weight so she wanted me to go to another ultra sound. I called to the ultra sound as soon as we got home and I got time for next monday, it was quick:)

22nd of February

I scared a lot today... I was going to meet Aila, friend of mine and I was hurring and I fall down quite hard... First I had feeling that I wasnīt sure where was ground and where was the sky, but I really had to get up fast so no-one noticed that I feld... Later that day it started to hurt more in lower tummy and it maked my walking harder it feld like I couldnīt move my feed and if I tried it hurt really badly... After I saw Raila, I decided to call to the hospital. There a mid-wife asked me to come and check that everything was fine. Raila promised to take me there with a taxi. Tero was driving that taxicar and when he asked which door he will drive he didnīt believe me when I said that delivery door, please:) Then he asked if we were in any hurry:) When I arrived to the hospital really nice mid-wife took me in and put sensors top of my tummy it was really relieving to hear your heartbeat from the monitor:) They recorded the beating for a while and then I started to wait for doctor that she could check that every other thing was fine. When she came she took ultra sound, and everything was really fine, with you , I felt like someone had given me really hard beats and kicks to my back and behind. But as long as you were ok everything was ok.

25th of February

Today we had another ultra sound to check your weight and here some speculation about your weight when you are going to born. Your weight is now 3144g! It really sounds to be a lot, but doctor said that you wont be any giant-baby when you will born... What a reliefe :) Later at home we made some room for you. We both are sorry that you wont have a own nursery-room, you have to share bedroom with us. But maybe later if we find bigger aparthment you will also get some kind of nursery:) Here you have some own space now, your tiny little bed is in a corner and there is also table for changing and place for your stuff and clothes. You have Winnie-the-Pooh theme in most of stuff here exept your crab-liner is "Hello Kitty"-liner.

28th of February

And again in Health center... I think that we are all the time there... But itīs just good that in final period of pregnancy your health (and mine too) is under very good control and thatīs why we have to go in health center every week. I had little head-ache in morning but I wasnīt sleeping well night before, I had somekind of stomach flue and it kept me awake all night. Tho bp was only little high 130/82 but everything else was fine so we donīt have anything to worry about. In a evening i went to listen one artist, Janne Tulkki, to a hotel called Eden in a city of Nokia. I was there with 2 friends of mine I was only sitting in a table while other of my friends were dancing near by artist. You moved a lot in my tummy, did you like the music? We had nice time there, but I got quite tired. So I am happy to be at home now and Reiska-cat is sleeping next to me:)