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Nickname History

When I found out that I was pregnant, I told it ofcourse to my fiancé, dad-to-be. He was really happy about the news, but he couldn´t believe that it was really true. Like most of the couples, it was more real for me than for Vesa. This new humanbeing was growing inside of me and I could feel it , first in morning sickness and tireness and then those tiny kicks :).

Vesa was with me in Health Center when we heard babys heartbeat at the first time. At that time my pregnancy become our´s. It came reality for Vesa too when that little heart beated fast and loud from machine and doctor said that baby´s heart was size of black pepper.

When we came home, I laid down to get a rest. Vesa came next to me and started gently drum my tummy. I laughted and said that I won´t be suprised if our baby borns with drumsticks. I am also very keen of Disney´s works and in Bambi-movie there is this bunny called Thumber. In finnish Thumber´s name is Rumpali and it means drummer in english.
So we started to call our baby after that nice Disney-bunny and we didn´t mean to call him drum-player, like many people thought.