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::Money Makers::

11PS2.gif (1414 bytes)

::Pic of the Month::

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Linkin Park's Hybrid Angel.

 layout © by LSS


  This Do-Jo allows u to gain pl, new moves , & learn how to unlock the secrets of  being a super (saiyan, human, namek, android ,ect.).

Super Part:

Ultra ???- increases ur power greatly. Must be a super. Takes 2 days in time chamber ( this does not count has ur 1 month turn) gain 10,000pl- costs $4,000.

Super Dance- This is for the Fusion Dance. It lets you change your super form by one level (ex. saiyan + saiyan= saiyan= ssj). Only a fusion (not gogeta fusion, but like the site fusion, gogeta = vegeto= vogeto) can learn this move. it's a good move to fool ur opponent by him thinking u are weak then u go super.


Planet Bomb- blows up planets. takes 2 days to learn. costs $4,000. gain 5,000pl.

Artificial Moonlight- a move that makes a fake full moon. costs $2,000 takes 5 days to learn

Kamehameha- Gains 5,000pl. Takes 5 days to learn. costs $3,000.

Big Bang- gains 4,000pl. Takes 4 days to learn. costs $2,000.

Final Flash- gains 3,000pl. Takes 3 days to learn. costs $1,000.

Solar Flare-Good escape attack-gain 1,000pl Takes 3 days to learn costs $500.
Galtic Gun- gain 3,000pl. Takes 3 days to learn costs $500.

Masenoku-A blue ball charged over the head and thrown like a throw in soccer. It has potential to knock a person out. 2 days, $3,000.

Betaken-A ki charged double ax hammer. critical damage. 2 days, $4,000.

Dyhapon-A multi-colored beam will limited power. If you are a saiyan it triple damage. 3 days, $3,500.

Ki Storm-The user shoots a big ki above their opponent. They ball brakes showering them with ki. 3 days, $2,000.

Laser eye-Add 1000 to pl. 2 days

Mouth Beam-Add 2,000 to pl. 3 days

Shooting star- add 3,00 to pl. 4 days

Death ball-Add 2000 to pl 3 days

Chi Blast-   adds 3000 to pl 4 days

Killer ki- A super powerful ki blast that adds 3,000pl . Learn: 5 days

Super Ki blast- A powerful blast of energy that adds 2,000pl. Learn: 2 days

Sense- You can detect peoples pl, speed, and defense is around. Learn: 2 days 

Advanced Destructo Disk- A better type of distructo disk that you and control their movements. and adds 4,000pl Learn: 6 days

Homing Ki- Always hits, adds 2,000 pl. Learn: 3 days

Ki wave- Is a weak attack but hits every one, adds 1,000pl. Learn: 1 day

Chi Beam- A strong chi blast. Adds 2,000pl. Learn: 5 days

Ki-Unleash- A very strong ki attack that adds 5,000pl, but will send your pl down to one, in till rehealed Learn: 4 days

Fusion Dance- A dance that when preformed correctly will merge ur bodies together to form a a single person. Only will last 24 hours. And what ever form you you fuse is the form you stay in. (ex. ssj + ssj = ssj), but if you fused form power level is at the next super form. will will be able to get it. but every super level will have a 200,000pl add on (ex. ssj3 is 500,000pl, when fused it will be 700,000pl). Both ur power levels have to be same, you can lower one of ur power levels. and you must be the same race. If you are Chibi you can only fuse with somebody that is also Chibi.

Advanced Moves

Must be Super to learn.

Dragon Punch-The user actually releases a dragon that rips and tears at the opponent. Has the potential to kill. 5 days, $5,000.

Instant Transmission- allows u to travel to any planet in no time. Takes 5 days to learn and costs $1,000.

Typhoon-a wave of ki that engulfs your opponent. the opponent will most likely lose. 3 days, $4,000.

Kruching Ki Assualt-The user stomps his opponent into a ki ball and throws it. the ki ball explodes releasing the opponent. Extreme damage. 5 days, $4,500.

Final Desperation-The user uses all his power to self-destruct and kill their opponent. the power of this attack kills the user. 5 days, $6,000.

Sprite Marble- A smaller, but more powerful version of the sprite bomb. will kill anything regardless or ur pl. 10 days, $10,000.  

Ki Barrier- A shield in which blocks all types of attacks but drains the users energy and can hold as many people inside. Learn: 9 days

Super Kamehameha- Fires a super charged Kamehameha and adds 5,000pl. Learn: 6 days

Super Masenoku-  fires a Super charged Masenoku Add 4,000pl, . Learn: 6days

Saiyan Bomb- A powerful attack that Saiyans can only learn, adds 6,000pl. Learn: 4 days

Android Bomb- A powerful attack that Androids can only learn, 6,000pl. Learn: 3 days

Dead Zone Portal- When used a portal opens up leading to the Dead Zone in which people may get sucked up and forced to stay in the Dead Zone forever until wished back or for a person to get out of the Dead Zone. But if you have a lot of power then the person who opened the portal then you can throw the person in.

Super Advance Attacks
Must be Super 3

Killer Ki Bomb- A very powerful attack when used it hits one person with 80% of your power as damage and 5% to the rest of the people, but drains 1,000 defense away from the user. Learn: 4 days/Cost: $5,000

Ultra Ki Release- When used it does 50% of your power as damage to all. Learn: 6 days/Cost: $4,000

Burning Attack- A very powerful attack and it does 90% of your power as damage. Learn: 8 days/Cost:$10,000

Portal- A move where you scream as load as you can and the vibrates rib a hole in the dimension, only can be used to travel form dimension. Learn: 2 days/cost:$3,000

Fusion Moves

moves for fusions expect for the *

*Final Kamehameha-Must know Final Flash & Kamehameha. gain 8,000pl Take 5 days to learn. costs $4,000.

*Big Bang Kamehameha-Must know Big Bang & Kamehameha. gain 9,000pl. Take 5 days to learn. costs $5,000.

Galactic Donut aka Cosmetic Halo- A huge gold ring that is placed around ur opponent then it shrinks real small squeezing ur opponent. 10,000pl & $8,000.

Ghost Kamikaze Attack (GKA)- A very powerful attack that will kill just about anyone that is near your power level. you spit out ghosts that explodes when some one or something touches them. if you are in a super form you can make it more powerful by making Super Ghosts. 10,000pl & $ 10,000.


Bank Trans- This is a watch that you wear so if you got any items in the bank you can transfer them from the bank to you any where you are you can also put stuff in the bank using it.- $5,000

Crystal Sword- A special sword made by Gogeta which is made of Titanium and Crystal. It is know to have special powers that are deadly but sometimes kills the user of the sword.- *$15,000*

Armor Repair- After every battle your Saiyan armor most be repaired so you pay $500 to get it repaired.

Advanced Computer Chip- Used on a android to unlock their powers and raise it by 10,000.(Can buy one a week)- $5,000

Android Super Bomb- A super powerful bomb placed inside a Android's chest in which it detonates upon request and kills the user and kills people close to them in a hit, but you go into the dead zone for 6 days.- $2,000

Blade Upgrade- When bought it x2 your attack power for your regular sword, x3 for the z sword, and x4 for the one of a kind sword called the Tapion Sword. **Note if someone buys this for the Tapion Sword then the stats for the sword changes for the shop section* and x5 for the Crystal Sword- $10,000

Crystal Ball- A ball when used on a person to drain the energy from them and is stored into the ball which then can be exploded when thrown at someone or something.

Gogeta's Special training Program- What you do is you go with Gogeta to a secret location and gain 10,000pl for getting there and you train there for 5 days and gain 20,000pl. But the catch is that it will probably kill some people because of how far it is and there will be no flying allowed and you will be wearing special weights that weight 7,000 lb. when training. This will happen about once every month. And people will get items too if they go.











































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