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::Money Makers::

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::Pic of the Month::

soldierwithwings.bmp (2904150 bytes)
Linkin Park's Hybrid Angel.

 layout © by LSS
Welcome to the Legendary Super Saiyan (LSS) . This site is just a RPG (Role Playing Game) for all anime such as gundam wing, dbz, stuff like that, but is based on mostly dbz. If u would like to join please just go to the join/rules section on the left hand side and find the join section and follow the steps. Please stick around and witness the up rising of the Legendary Super Saiyan.

<~~Real DBZ News

RPG News~~>

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Nov./02/2002 - By: Gogeta Jr.
Hey, Sorry for not updateing fo the last few weeks my phone was truned off. the boss battle is up. And around christmas the rpg will be restarting over cause people are way to strong. that or i will just drop it cause as of now there is only 4 people playing. the next boss battle will be Buu. but first their is going to be a tournament. friday.

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Oct./12/2002 - By: Gogeta Jr.
Hey, I changed alot of things. I added some new super forms. and some new moves in the MS Shop, I just about have the Trance thing up. I also added some new items to the shop. Boss battle will be friday so tell me if you want to be in it.

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Oct./07/2002 - By: Gogeta Jr.
Hey, I got to stay home from school cause iam still sick. So I added 3 new base iteams in the shop. I think I changed some stuff. I'll try to get some new items and other stuff up sometime this week. If Iam sick tomorrow too. then I'll might have them up then. C' yea

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Oct./06/2002 - By: Gogeta Jr.
Hey, Sorry I would have updated sooner but i have been sick. and i am still sick. The Kia's are back thanks to Dengeta. The Npc battle will be in 1 or 2 weeks. so tell me if you want to be in it. And if you would like to have a page that tell the history and other things about you character just send it to me and i'll put it up.

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Sept./28/2002 - By: Gogeta Jr.
Hey, I updated. change a few things. I g2g bye.
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