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Fake Characters Pics
- Member's mobile suits


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- Tournaments/FFA
- Trainings/Trance
- Battles


- Shop
- Jobs

- Mobile Suit Shop


- Teams
- Super levels/ D-balls/Immortal
- Planets
- Bank
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- Trivia Page
- Fusion
- Fusion Rules





::Money Makers::

11PS2.gif (1414 bytes)

::Pic of the Month::

soldierwithwings.bmp (2904150 bytes)
Linkin Park's Hybrid Angel.

 layout © by LSS

Basic Rules
1.No extreme cursing.
2.You can only send actions Monday through Thursday.
3.Joining forms can be sent anytime.
4.ask me anytime if you have questions. not send future actions an less you are going out of town or stuff like that.

You need a space pod or a space ship to travel. A Space pod can hold only 1 person but a Space Ship can hold anything. It takes 5 to 10 days to travel. It all depends on where u are going.

 You can either train with a fellow rpg member or a NPC outside for free for 1 days. Gain 1,000pl.

 Gravity room training for up to 2 days  Each member must pay $100 every time you use a public one or you can buy one. Gain  4,000pl 

 Hyperbolic Time Chamber for 1 day a month ( that means u can only use the chamber once a month) only 2 people at a time. It costs $5,000 each. 10,000 pl. 

 You can train with King Kai when u die for 10 days and u learn Kao Kan u can train 10 more days and u learn Sprit Bomb. x2pl, and gain 2,000pl for snake way.

these are non playable characters that are on the roster that usually have a evil plain and try to kill every one.

these you can buy in the shop they can gain levels and can train with you. you can send them to attack someone, or guard you or a base stuff like that. But u can not attack with them.

you can either make a base or take over one if you want to take over one they are guarded and if you get it, it comes with everything in it and if you make your own, it comes with a small army

   Ambush-you attack from behind they don't know you're coming-you get 3,000pl if  you win if u lose u gain 1,500pl.

   Duel- you use your special move ex: kamehameha and just battle with the blast. the winner is decide by your Ki not ur pl. you gain around 5,000pl and. if  you win if u lose u gain 2,500pl.

   Base attack-you attack a base-get around 8,000pl if  you win if u lose u gain 4,000pl.

   Team battle-teams attack each other-around 7,000pl if  you win if u lose u gain 3,500pl.

Every race will have a power boost no matter if you have a transformation or not.

1st- 100,000pl

2nd- 300,000pl

3rd- 500,000pl

4th- 700,000pl

Legendary form- 1,000,000

once you get to these levels your power will be boosted and you will transform.

A Trance is a anicet power were your emotions build up into power. once this happens You transform. Your Power is doubled only for a little while. Look on the Training/Trance Page for more info.

When you die you can either get wished back or you have to train with king kai to be able to come back. To kill someone you must have a PL of 20,000 more then they do. 

Extra Characters
You can have more than one character, but you have to be in the rpg for two months before you can create a new character. and you have to be a active person for the 2 months. And if you do have 2 characters then you must and have to put the characters name your updating when you send me a mail.

·Pick a Character it can be from dbz or a made up character, it can be a fusion.
·If it is a made up character I need its race, name, and a made up move or it can be a regular move.
All Characters:
· If ur character is dbz then pick one move from the dojo list. U will not gain the pl.
· If there is a team u want to join ask the leader of the team frist then tell me.
·Pick If u are good or evil
·Pick a Job
·Send a picture with your info or I will put one up for u.
· IF u would like a quote that ur character says after a victory or before the battle put in in the e-mail.

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