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::Money Makers::

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Capsule- Can hold a gravity chamber or a lot of senzu beans or even a ship so you can carry it with you  by your side.- $1,000 each

Saiyan Pill- Once used on a saiyan it creates a tail for them and the tail stays with them forever unless it is cut off, it adds 1000 pl . Can use as many as you want if your tail is cut off.- $8,000

Sun Glasses- They prevent any one to use solar flare on you and when wore on a saiyan with a tail the moon won't affect him until token off.- $1,000

Portal Earrings- Allows u to fuse with someone who has the other earring. Also allows u to change super levels while u are fused. adds ur pl together. $10,000 each. $20,000 for both.

Trital Earrings- Allows u to fuse with 3 other people who has the other earrings. Also allows u to change super levels while u are fused. adds ur pl together. $15,000 each. $45,000 for all three.

Fusion Armor- Highly strong armor that lets u fuse with one other person. it adds ur pl together then the armor gives u 50,000 more pl, but it all comes at a high price ur LIFE. $10,000 each.

Bag of Senzu Beans(20)-$500

Training Items/ Battle Accessories:

Punching bag- Everyday that you train with it you gain 100 pl, a- $500

Sword-  It comes with a shield.  adds 1,000pl,and can attack with a ki slash - $2,000

Z Sword-  It doesn't come with a shield.  7,000pl, and attacks with a super slash - $5,000

Tapion's Sword- This is a one of a kind sword that was lost, and can be found. Comes with a shield. It adds 40,000 to pl. And can attack with Energy Slice.*must be found*

Blaster- A high powered energy launcher that shoots different types of shells with different amounts of energy and different energy. But the blaster holds one shell at a time and takes one turn to reload, (check below for shells and prices).- $10,000

Boost pill- Gives you 4,000pl a, but you can only buy one. (caution, don't take boost pill before training or battling or death may happen)- $3,000

Senzu Bean Tree Seed- Gives owner 10 senzu beans a week. Must be made by a senzu bean grower.-$200

Scouter- It can't detect where the d-balls are really good, but can detect people's Power Levels.- $200

Dragon Radar-lets u find 2 dragonballs in one day.-$2,000

Set of Weights 50 LB when you train with them u gain 1,000 every day.- $500

Weighted Wrist bands- Adds 1,000 extra pl when used.- $1000

Weighted CC Jacket- Adds 1,000 extra pl when used in training and in battle, comes in black. **Must be found**

Weighted Pants- Adds 1,000 extra pl when used in battle or training, comes in black. **Must be found**

War Sword- strong sword-2,000pl- $2,000

Beam Sword-laser sword-6,000pl- $5,000

NPC- 1,000pl to start off-$4,000

Brute Ray-a ray that can make u gain one super level. 1 per person, Only can be used once. can not wish for this.- $200,000

Saiyan Armor- Adds 5,000pl to u as long as u have the armor on.- $5,000

Weighted Boots-(adds 1,000pl)-$1,000

Weighted Cape- (adds 3,000pl)-$3,000

Weighted Hat- (adds 2,000pl)-$2,000

Mobile Suit 1.0-a 8 ft. tall armor robot that doubles your pl when u are in it, but u can't use any of ur moves. Only for the ground.- $8,000

Mobile suit 2.0- a 10 ft. tall armor robot that does the same as a mobile suit 1.0, but u can use all your moves For space and ground - $10,000

Mobile Sword- Laser sword for a mobile suit. for close range battles- 2,000pl- $6,000
Mobile Gun- Machine gun for mobile suit. for long range battles-1,000pl- $5,000

Gundam- A powerful mobile suit that is 20ft tall. Comes with 1 Beam weapon (your chose from: saber, scythe, staff), the ability to self-destruct killing every one in a 3 mile radius. For Space and ground. Can be updated and add new things to it. Need a lab to be built.-$15,000

Cyber Suit- A real light suit that enhances your power by adding 50,000pl to u. $20,000

Cyber Armor- Heavy armor that enhances your defense. and with its wings it make you fly 4 times faster. it adds 100,000pl. $75,000

Shiva's Ring- This ring is a very rare ring. It allows you to go to a trance faster and stay in a trance longer. and alots of it's true powers are unkown. The ring is also called the destroyer of the universe. Must be found


Saiyan Space Pod- Allows you to travel from planet to planet. It holds one person, and takes 5 days to travel to a different planet.-1,500$

Capsule Corp Ship- Can hold eight people at once. It has room for a punching bag and comes with a sparring room. It comes with a dragon ball finder installed.- $10,000

Gravity capsule- (you can train while traveling) (2,000pl, 5 days)-$4,000

Gravity capsule x2- (you can train while traveling)( 5,000pl, 2 days)-$8,000

Gravity Chamber-(you can train with out paying)(2,000pl a day- $2,000)

Mother Ship- Hold 100 people at once. It comes with a gravity chamber that you gain 2,000pl each day you train in,-$11,000

Space Cruiser- Holds 10,000 people at one time. It comes with a Graviton Machine, Rejuvenation Chambers, one main cannon that requires one person's energy and the main cannon does 30% of that person's energy for damage, the ship includes escape pods.- $50,000 (Must have stronghold with port or a capsule)

Star Cruiser- Holds 4,000,000 people at once. It comes with 3 Graviton Machines, 100 Rejuvenation chambers, 200 Gravity chambers, 20 energy rooms which drains some energy from the person inside to use for the main cannon, and has one main cannon which does 80% of the persons energy as damage and billions of side cannons which use 10% of the users power and it also has 200 Crystal Bomb Cannons, and has emergency saiyan pods to escape .- $100,000 (Must have stronghold with port or a capsule)

War Ship- Holds 100,000 men and has a large room where men enter to drain their energy to use for the main cannon which does 70% of all the people's energy. It also has side cannons which take no energy and fires small blast of energy.- $60,000 (Must have stronghold with port or a capsule)

Mobile Carrier- A huge ship that can hold 5,000 mobile suits and 7,000 people. Only weapons are 4 laser cannons. 2 in front and 2 in back. - $ 10,000

Facilities/Facility Stuff:

Stronghold - A place to have an army to take another stronghold over, or to attack people, or a place to put a Gravity chamber and Rejuvenation Chambers and protect them, or have your men looking for the d-balls and to protect them. Comes with 1 rejuvenation room, 1 Gym, 1 Gravity Chamber, 1 Mobile Repair, 5 mobile suits 1.0, 500 laser Cannons, 10 NPC's(10,000pl) .-$100,000

Colony- A base in space. Place to have an army to take another stronghold over or a another colony, or to attack people, or a place to put a Gravity chamber and Rejuvenation Chambers and protect them, or have your men looking for the d-balls and to protect them. Comes with 2 rejuvenation room, 2 Gym, 2 Gravity Chamber, 2 Mobile Repair, 5 mobile suits 2.0, 500 laser Cannons, 10 NPC's(15,000pl), 100 saiyan pods for escape .-$150,000

Space Port- A add on to the Stronghold to allow ships to dock.- $38,000

Space Hanger- A add on to the colony to allow ships to dock.- $38,000

Gun Tower- A tower to protect your Stronghold/Colony by fires a energy cannon at the intruder.- $15,000

Bomb Shelter- A place to hide incase of bomb attack on base by another base.- $15,000

Weapon Room- A place to keeps your men weapons for a battle or war.- $10,000

Senzu Bean Farm- It produces unlimited amounts of senzu beans a week for the base.- $10,000

Watch Tower- A tower that can detect a person coming to your Stronghold/Colony within 2 days of arrival.- $13,000

False Moon Generator- Turns all Saiyans with tails into Oozaru form on the planet or near by.- $5,000

Main Missile Beam Cannon- A cannon for your Stronghold/Colony which fires a nuclear warhead with energy surrounding it and inside as well. The damage is 60% of the persons power x3 for the warhead.- $25,000

Crystal Bomb Cannon- A cannon which fires Crystal Bombs.- $10,000

Barrier- A super large barrier for the base which blocks some attacks or missiles.- $15,000

Gravity Chamber- A place to train by your self or others for free because it's yours.- $3,000

Rejuvenation Chamber- A healing chamber that heals you completely in 2 days and adds 500 pl when you get out of it, and can hold two people.- $9,000

Danger Room- A room that slows down time like the HBTC. But is filled with NPC, Laser guns, Cannons and other dangerous weapons. 1 day you gain 50,000pl, but after you get out you are really weak and could die and you can't train in it again in till it is repaired. $5,000 to get repaired,- $20,000

Lab- A add on to ur base. This lets you build new things: weapons, training or battle stuff.-$20,000

Mobile Repair- A place to repair mobile suits and ships. you can charge people to repair their stuff.-$10,000

Satellite Cannon- A Satellite that circles a planet. You can spy on people or use the cannon to fire a Huge Ultiment Beam on a person, base or whatever you want but it has to be on a planet, or use it to locate something a lot faster than looking for it on foot. Works a lot better if it belongs to a colony, than a stronghold.  -$100,000

Plasma Barrier- A Barrier 3 times stronger than a regular barrier. It blocks all missle's and bombs expect a few. -$25,000

Colony Thursters- These are for Colonys. So that a colony can move though space without any help of ships. -$30,000



Army- 10,000 men that use swords and can attack with ki-kicks and ki-punches but the hits are weak, and can attack with other attacks. (you can buy or recruit them on planets)- $10,000

Elite Army- 20,000 men that use Z swords and can attack with ki-kicks and ki-punches, and Ki blasts, the hits are ok, and can attack with other attacks. (you can buy or recruit them on planets)- $15,000

Saiyan Army- 40,000 saiyans that can use ki-kick, ki-punches, ki-blasts, ki-beams, and if taught Saiyan Bomb. If 3 Saiyan armies are bought you can combine them to make a Super Saiyan Army with 60,000 saiyans.- Must go to Planet Vegeta to buy, cost $20,000

Human Army- 10,000 humans with blasters with all shells.- Must go to earth to buy, cost $ 10,000

Gundam Army- a Army of 1,000 gundams. with Transform mode and and Duel Beam Sabers and bazooka. $15,000


Normal Shell- It does 500pl damage .-Comes in fives $200

Ki Shell- It does 1,000pl damage.- Comes in twos $300

Chi Shell- It does 3,000pl damage.- Comes in fours $700

#3 Shell- It does 11,000pl damage.- $2,400

#2 Shell- It does 14,000pl damage.- $3,000

#1 Shell- It does 20,000pl damage and 4,000pl damage to everyone else.- $5,000











































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