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::Money Makers::

11PS2.gif (1414 bytes)

::Pic of the Month::

soldierwithwings.bmp (2904150 bytes)
Linkin Park's Hybrid Angel.

 layout © by LSS
::Ways of Training/Trance Ponits::
Ways of Training. 

You can either train with a fellow rpg member or a NPC outside for free for 1 days. Gain 1,000pl.

 Gravity room training. Each member must pay $1,000  for each day. Gain  3,000pl 

 Hyperbolic Time Chamber for 1 day a month ( that means u can only use the chamber once a month) only 2 people at a time. It costs $5,000 each. 10,000 pl.

 You can train with King Kai when u die for 10 days and u learn Kao Kan and u learn Sprit Bomb. x2pl and gain 4,000pl for snake way. Must be under ssj3.

Graviton Chamber: 3 days:

                                             x5= 10,000pl= $5,000        \
                                              x10= 20,000pl= $10,000     \
                                              x20= 40,000pl= $20,000       \
                                             x30= 50,000pl= $30,000       / Any amount of PL
                                             x40= 60,000pl= $40,000     /
                                             x50= 70,000pl= $50,000   /
x60= 80,000pl= $60,000       \
                                             x70= 90,000pl= $70,000        \
                                             x80= 100,000pl= $80,000       l> Above 100,000pl
                                              x90= 110,000pl= $90,000      /
                                             x100= 120,000pl= $100,000 /

x200= 240,000pl= $200,000 \
                                             x300= 360,000pl= $300,000   \
                                             x400= 480,000pl= $400,000   / Above 200,000pl
                                             x500= 600,000pl= $500,000 /
                                             Death= 1,500,000= $800,000 > Any Amount of PL

Master Roshi=5,000pl= $2,000

Suicide Ki= You shoot ki blast in the air and they turn around and hit you. could die if u are weak and pick a high level.

Level One-  One blast- 5,000pl, $5,000
Level Two- 
Two blasts- 10,000pl, $8,000
Level Three-
Four blasts- 15,000pl, $12,000
Level Four-
Eight blasts- 20,000pl, $15,000
    Level Five- 
Sixteen blasts- 25,000pl, $ 20,000

More Levels coming soon!

Trance Points

Everytime one of these things happan to you, your Tance Points go up, when your Points reach a Point you go in to a trance where your power is doubled only for a little while. Some items can help you trance faster or stay in a trance longer.

(Love One) Battle= 20,000tp
Boss Battle= 15 ,000tp
Dieing= 10,000tp
Losing Battle = 5,000tp










































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