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When I was in Malta I meet lots of wonderful people from Actors to politicians , and from singers to Paltalk chatters. As you will see in these pictures they were all very nice people to meet. In the First picture we see the famous Shiky , me and another good friend of ours Cajn_50 , who currently lives in Malta . In the 2nd picture you see a group of people me being in the center , the person on the end of the left side is Jeff Canada and the person on the end on the right side is his mom Sunfire, this picture was taken when I was invited to a private television party which was held in the Water Front hotel (5 star hotel). The 3rd picture you see me with television presenter and singer Claudette Pace. In the 4th picture you see me with the best known star Ira Losca , who made my day , for those of you who don't know who she is , she is the person who represented Malta in the Eurovision contest and placed 2nd . In the 4th picture you see a group of people , starting from the left hand side you see Fabrizio Faniello, Me, Sandy demicoli, Carmen (shiky's sister), Joe Demicoli and Renato. In the 5th picture you see me with Renato , and in the final picture you see me with Super1 head manager Ray Azzopardi. Stay tuned for more pictures. --------The End Part 2