It was a heavily humid night in San Diego, with air so thick that you could literally touch the humidity.
He was watching her intensely as she climbed out of her steaming hot tub. Darla was wearing a red and white string bikini. She didn’t even look around as she wrapped a pink, fuzzy towel around her wet body. But maybe she should have looked then she would have seen him.
In the past two weeks, he had literally become part of her family. He followed her everywhere, even to the dry cleaners and to work, and now knew even the most intimate details about her life.
He was in the bushes watching her like an animal stalking its prey as she walked past him and into her beautifully adorned Victorian home.
Little did she know he was right behind her.
“Don’t you scream,” he yelled angrily at her as he put his hand over her clammy mouth.
“I will kill you. Do you understand?”
She nodded her head anxiously in false agreement.
“Now that’s over we can have some fun,” he said as he lead her into her big and spacious bedroom decorated in a beach theme. There, he took out his sterling silver gun and shot her three times in the small of her back.
“Bye bye birdie,” he said as she fell to the ground.
As he was walking out he threw a white feather on her dead body.