In 1967, the summer of love, the Beatles released a film called Magical Mystery Tour. This movie is about the Beatles and a strange combonation of people on a bus tour of the English countryside. Some of the stops that the bus makes is to see the Beatles preforming songs such as "I Am The Walrus" and "The Fool On The Hill."
I give this movie: ♦
Four ♦'s are the best.
Here are the boys!
What They Have To Say About It!
I was Paul's idea. It was basically a Schauerbang trip which people used to go on from Liverpool to see the Blackpool lights. And they'd get, you know, loads of crates of beer and an accordion player drunk, and you just go to see Blackpool lights. And it was kind of like that, it was a very flimsy kind of thing.
I'm not sure, uh, it could've been mine, I'm not sure whether I wanna take the blame for it, you know. Ummm, we were all in on it, but a lot of that stuff at that time couldn've been my ideas because I was coming up with a lot of, sort of concepts, like, you know, Sgt. Pepper, we could pretend to not be.. and I'm not saying it was my album, obviously we all worked on all the stuff, but I was coming up with a lot of ideas.
Now I remember Paul saying, you know, because to get the actors we looked through that actors book, the Spotlight o whatever, uh we need someone like that and someone like that, and we needed the large lady as my auntie cause I was gonna play this person with this auntie...
Paul came and showed me what his idea was, and this is how it went around like this, the story, and it had all, I think, producation, and he said here's a segment, you write a little piece for that...