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Snowbird album & Panda Bear
Power Station

Snowbird Concert Live in Malaysia 熊天平雪候鳥歌友會
特別嘉賓: Power Station 動力火車
主持人﹕麗的FM DJ 李觀發
地點﹕吉隆坡蕉賴民政大廈宏願禮堂 (PGRM)
Time: 8pm, 5th December 1997

Power Station sings the song titled 'Lang'. 動力火車演唱‘狼’: Download (1057KB)
Power Station with DJ - Pandai&MaSaLo : Download (581KB)
P.Station - 'XiangNiShiLinShuiDeXiGuan'. 想你是臨睡的習慣 : Download (789KB)
Panda sings Snowbird. 小熊演唱‘雪候鳥’: Download (942KB)
Panda talks about Mr.Moon. 小熊解說Mr.Moon : Download (428KB)
Panda sings Mr.Moon. 小熊演唱Mr.Moon : Download (737KB)
Power Station - 'HouZhongDeJiYi'. ‘厚重的記憶’: Download (740KB)
Heaven of Matches 火柴天堂 : Download (623KB)
Sing English songs - Lost in love. 演唱英語歌曲 : Download (781KB)
'AiQingDuoNaoHe' & 'YuRenMaTou' 愛情多惱河 & 愚人碼頭 : Download (929KB)
'MeiYiFenMeiYiMiaoDouGeiNi' 每一分每一秒都給你 : Download (669KB)
Panda Xiong
Main Childhood Story
FAQ: How to Download. 如何下載