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Recipe - Pumpkin Soup


Hollow out a medium sized pumpkin, discard the seeds.

Melt the margerine in a large cooking pot, and gently fry the onion for a few minutes, until soft.

Slice the pumpkin and add to the cooked onion, and stir. Make up the vegetable stock cube with 500ml of boiling water, [almost a pint], and add to the pot. Bring back to the boil and then cover and simmer on a low light for approx 30 minutes.

Pour into a blender and blend until soft, [alternatively, push through a sieve], return to the pot and heat gently, adding a couple of pinches of ground nutmeg, paprika and ground black pepper, do not boil.

Add the cream, stir, and serve!!

While you are waiting for the soup to cook in the 30 minutes why not carve a spooky face into the now hollowed-out pumpkin!!!!


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