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Halloween poems.

The first poem on this page was written by my younger daughter, Heather when she was 9 years old, she is now 18... how time flies!
The second poem I wrote myself, about my partner! Hehehehe

THE WICKED OLD WITCH by Heather (c) 1999

The wicked old witch
Sat on her broom
Across the sky
Over the moon

The wicked old vampire
Drank some blood
Poor old woman
That is no good

The wicked old ghost
Scared some people
Flew around the churchyard
And over the steeple

The wicked old devil
Lured people to his lair
Don't go down there
Unless you dare

The wicked old monster
Walked into a few hundred walls
Killed some people
In their halls.

THE CREATURE by Alison (c)2004
dedicated to my boyfriend, Allan

A hideous creature,
Creature of the night,
He’ll creep around,
To give you a fright.

You’ll know he’s there,
You’ll smell him near,
The stench from his feet,
Will fill you with fear.

With hairy chest,
And hairy back,
His knees do creak,
His knees do crack.

Hideous face,
Devious eyes,
Stubbly chin,
Fearful cries.

If you see him,
Run away fast,
The smell he gives off,
Will linger and last.

Then he’ll go back into the night,
On legs stumpy and old,
With his steely stare,
From his eyes so cold.

THE WITCH by Jack Prelutsky

She comes by night, in fearsome flight,
In garments black as pitch,
the queen of doom upon her broom,
the wild and wicked witch,

a crackling crone with brittle bones
and dessicated limbs,
two evil eyes with warts and sties
and bags about the rims,

a dangling nose, ten twisted toes
and fold of shriveled skin,
cracked and chipped and crackled lips
that frame a toothless grin.

She hurtles by, she sweeps the sky
and hurls a piercing screech.
As she swoops past, a spell is cast
on all her curses reach.

Take care to hide when the wild witch rides
to shriek her evil spell.
What she may do with a word or two
is much too grim to tell.

ALL HALLOWE'EN by Pauline Clark

Witch and warlock all abroad
Revels keep by field and yard.
In the firelight of the farm
Boy and maiden one by one
Place their chestnuts in the grate
And for omens quietly wait;
To a string their apples tie,
Twirl them till they fallen lie;
Those whose fruits fall in a hurry,
They shall be the first to marry.
Witch and warlock all abroad
Revels keep by field and yard.
Apples from the beam hang down
To be caught by mouth alone,
Mugs of ale on Nut-Crack Night
And many a tale of ghost and sprite,
Come to cheer and chill the heart,
While the candles faint and start,
While the flickering firelight paints
Pictures of the hallowed saints.
Witch and warlock all abroad
Revels keep by field and yard.


Origins of Halloween
Halloween Poems 2
My Haunted Guestbook
The Haunted Cottage
The Old Woman And Brad
The Toll House
Recipe - Skull Cake
Recipe - Mulled Wine
Recipe - Pumpkin Soup
Haunted House
How To Survive A Scary Movie
The strange case of Miss Tippett