What Is A Jew?

What is a Jew? What what??!! WHO is a Jew -since we are talking about people here! There's an old saying, "Ask 2 Jews about any topic and you will get three opinions!" This is absolutely true, unless, we are talking about this subject of WHO is a Jew. In this case, you will get an endless list of opinions… So, I don't want to go there!

However, you will also get an endless list of opinions from people who are not Jewish, about what is a Jew:

For example, when my husband was stationed in England, one of his buddies asked to borrow some money. Milt gave him two of the 3 dollars he had. Then his friend began to talk about the Jews and how rich they all were. So Milt asked him how much money he had. His friend replied, "You already know how much money I have; you just gave me two dollars." Then Milt asked, "How much money do I have?" His friend was getting exasperated, but he said, "One dollar." So Milt replied, "Then it looks to me like the Gentiles (non-Jews) have all the money."

"What are you talking about?" his friend asked. "Well, I'm Jewish and you have more money than me." replied Milt. His friend started laughing, "You're not Jewish! You can't be." Milt pulled his dog tags out of his shirt & showed them to him. His friend looked at him in amazement & unbelief. "But you can't be Jewish, you don't have any horns!"

So Milt asked him where he heard that Jews have horns. He had heard it from his father numerous times. Then Milt asked where he had grown up. The answer surprised him. He grew up in Boise where there was a large Jewish population. His friend had undoubtedly met many Jews and didn't realize they were Jews, because of his misconceptions. How sad. Unfortunately, this is NOT an isolated story. It has been repeated around the world.

There are other misconceptions that are constantly being repeated out of ignorance & sometimes prejudice. These are things that Jews are NOT: They are NOT ALL rich. More than 2/3 in the world are living in poverty. They do not control the world's money; the top money-makers in the world happen to be non-Jews. They are not all stingy & money grubbing. MOST of the Jews I know are very generous, especially when it comes to charitable giving, or helping one's neighbor. And they certainly do not have horns. Perhaps you have heard some of these things or even repeated them yourself, because you were unaware of what a Jew is or His Purpose on this earth. Read on, please.

The word "Jew" comes from the Hebrew word "Yehudah" meaning A Praiser of G-d! Isn't that beautiful?! Someone who praises the L-rd from his heart & soul & with his life: That is G-d's definition of a true Jew. The L-rd called King David, the sweet singer of Israel, a man after G-d's own heart - a true praiser of G-d.

From the beginning of Creation until about 4000 years ago, there were NO JEWS. None! But the L-rd had a plan to bless all the people of the world. So the L-rd called out ONE man, Abraham (Avram), and promised to make a nation from his seed. Abraham had a BIG problem though. He believed G-d, but he was old and was not able to father children any more. Not only that, but his wife, Sarah, was to be the mother of his child & she was old & no longer capable of bearing children. What to do? Well, the Lord never lets anything stand in the way of His Plan. He healed them both, and soon, Sarah was pregnant. She had a boy & named him Isaac, which means "Laughter", because the L-rd had given her a son in her old age and she was happy! Abraham became the father of many other children, but G-d had special plan for Isaac (Yitzak). The promised Jewish nation would come through him, and through one of Isaac’s sons, Jacob (Yaakov). So physically speaking, descendants of Abraham, Isaac & Jacob are Jews. A sign of that covenant between G-d & the new Jewish nation is circumcision. Genesis 17

But wait, there's more… The L-rd also says, "For the real Jew is not merely Jewish outwardly; true circumcision is NOT ONLY external & physical. On the contrary, the real Jew is one inwardly; & true circumcision is of the heart, spiritual not literal; so that his praise comes not from other people, but from G-d." Romans 2:28

The L-rd has not placed the Jewish People above all others. He made them to be a blessing to Himself, and to the world. He made them a nation so he could bring the Living Word, Jesus Christ (Messiah Y'shua) to earth through them. He gave us the Written Word (the Bible) through the Jewish Nation. And He is not finished with them yet.

The L-rd made a new & unique nation, which were supposed to be the priests and teachers of the other nations. They were called out to be separate in the way they conducted themselves, in the way they dressed, in the way they ate, and in the way they worshipped the L-rd. Leviticus

The L-rd even gave a special promise to Abraham that affects the entire world when he created this new nation; "I will bless those who bless you, And I will curse him who curses you, And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed." Genesis 12:3

WHAT WENT WRONG? Why have the Jewish People been persecuted, and driven from place to place? Down through history, instead of being blessed, they have been cursed. The Jews are the People of the Book - G-d's Book, the Bible. They are the visible reminder to the nations that there is a G-d & we are accountable to Him. The war against the Jews is actually a war against G-d Himself. Each one of us has a choice: to curse (be part of the problem) or to bless (be part of the solution). May the L-rd of Abraham, Isaac, & Jacob bless you as you bless His People. Amen.

Lura Maiman, Congregation Yeruel, Israel