The Star(Shield) of David

Aren't you a Christian? Why are you wearing that Jewish Star? Isn't that a symbol of the occult (see *note at bottom of page)?

Just a few of the questions I have received over the years, because I have chosen to identify with the Jewish People by wearing the Star of David.

Many years ago, in the time of King David, there were 12 tribes of Israel & each tribe was made up of clans. Each fighting man had his own shield made of hardened leather. The men would decorate the shields with symbols from their own clan.

Down through the ages, the 6-pointed Star of David has come to be used as a symbol of the Jewish people, as a whole. Very likely, it was because of the decoration on David's shield, which his son, King Solomon, used on the shields he placed on the wall around his palace.

It has NO religious significance, but rather a political one - a symbol of the people themselves. In archaeological digs, the Magen David (Shield of David) has been found carved on stones or used as decorations in mosaic work. The Star, along with the Menorah (7 branched lampstand), are probably the most well-known symbols of the Jewish People.

Hitler understood this very well, & in his desire to destroy the Jews, made it mandatory that Jews sew a yellow Star of David on their coats. This made them a target for everyday harassment, and persecution and finally a one-way trip to the gas chambers & crematoriums of Europe.

However, there were exceptions during World War II there were some Christians who also wore the yellow star and stood with the Jewish People. It made it difficult for the Nazis to eliminate the Jews when others identified with them & stood by them.

If every believer in Europe had done this, there would have been no holocaust. Hitler would have been defeated before he started his war against G-d and His People. The world is still reeling from the evil perpetrated by one demonic man & fed by the hatred & prejudice of his followers.

"The L-rd of Hosts says (to Zion, the Jewish People), "Anyone who injures you injures the very pupil of my eye." Zechariah 2:8

*Note: The occult star is a five-pointed star which is used with the double points up. It resembles the head of a goat & is used to represent satan. At times, the 6-pointed star is used with a circle around it because satanists try to capture the power of the Jewish People, since they seem to be indestructible. Any symbol can be misused & abused; that does not negate its proper use.

Lura Maiman, Congregation Yeruel, Israel