The Tribulation:Part I

Warning! "Blessed is the One who reads the words of this prophecy and blessed are those who hear it and take to heart what is written in it, because the time is near." Rev. 1:3 The L-rd included a special blessing in the Book of Revelation because Prophecy cannot be read lightly. It is like a jig saw puzzle which must be put together piece by piece. The good news is that all the pieces are in the Bible. Revelation is a key to the puzzle. It takes all the major and minor prophets in the Old Covenant (Tenach) and puts them in chronological order, pausing here and there to give details about specific events. If you really want to understand prophecy, pray and ask the Holy Spirit to guide you through it. Part I of the Tribulation series is an overview - like a table of contents of what is coming. It can be used as a reference as you study. G-d bless you as you humbly approach His Revelation!

The Great Day of the Wrath of G-d
(This is a simple overview of the Tribulation: the following teachings will cover more details, plus I will give a short list of recommended books to read on the subject)

What is the Tribulation? It is a future 7-year period of Judgment of Israel & the whole earth, which culminates in the Second Coming of Messiah Y'shua (Jesus) to earth. It is the last seven years of the time known as the "Times of the Gentiles" in the Bible.

What is the Purpose of the Tribulation? 1. To punish wickedness & purge sinners from the Land. Isaiah 13:9; 24:19-20, Ezekiel 20:34-38 2. To bring about a world-wide revival. Revelation 7:1-17 3. To bring about the national regeneration of Israel. Romans 11:26 by breaking the power of the Holy People. Daniel 12:7

The L-rd is merciful to do whatever it takes to allow sinners to repent and to come to Him: He is not willing that any should perish. The necessity for the Tribulation is a testament to the stubbornness & sinfulness of our natural human hearts.

Other Names for the Tribulation: Day of the L-rd, His Strange Work, The Indignation, Day of Vengeance, Year of Retribution (Recompense), The Time of Trouble, The 70th Week of Daniel, Zephaniah 1:15 calls it many names; Day of Wrath, ..Distress, ..Anguish, ..Ruin, ..Darkness & Gloom, ..Clouds & Blackness, of Trumpet & Battle Cry, ..the Day of Disaster. It is also known as the Wrath of God, The Hour of Trial, the Hour of Judgment, plus a few others not listed here for lack of space. References: 1 Thess. 5:2, Isa. 26:20, 28:15,18,21, 34:8, 61:2, Dt. 32:35-36, Jer. 30:7, Dan. 9:27, Joel 2:2, Amos 5:18,20, Matt. 24:21,29, 1 Thess. 1:10, 5:2,9, Rev. 2:22, 3:10, 6:16-17, 7:14, 11:18, 14:7. These are only a few references; please realize the names may change slightly upon the translation you are using.

What signals the beginning of the Tribulation? The signing of the 7-year covenant between the Jews & the AntiMessiah (AntiChrist) is the one event which begins the Tribulation and calls down God's wrath on the earth. Dan. 9:27, Isa. 28:14-22

Events of the first half (3 1/2 yrs.) (1260 days) of the Tribulation: Conquests of the AntiChrist, World War I of the Tribulation, 144,000 witnesses sealed & sent into the earth, Two witnesses minister in Jerusalem, Ministry of Elijah (actually begins before the Tribulation), World-wide revival, Religious System persecutes saints of G-d, Judgments on Nature (Seals & trumpets of Revelation): 1/3 dry earth, 1/3 salt water, 1/3 fresh water, 1/3 heavens, all destroyed. 2 blackouts, 2 demonic invasions (1 to torment, 1 to kill people). 10 rulers over the earth --including AntiChrist.

Events at Midpoint: World War II of Tribulation -AntiChrist is killed & resurrected, Satan is cast down to earth. AntiChrist breaks the Covenant & causes Temple worship to cease, False Prophet sets up image of AntiChrist in Temple. Demands worship. Demands all persons accept the mark of his name. Persecution of Jewish People begins in earnest. Jews flee from the Land. The false religious system is cast down & looted. The two witnesses are killed and resurrected. AntiChrist kills 3 leaders & the others submit to him.

Events of the second half (3 1/2 yrs.) (1260 days) of the Great Tribulation: The Bowl Judgments of Revelation -sores on mankind, all salt water & all fresh water destroyed, heat of the Sun increased, Blackout, Earthquakes, and the Final Conflict of the Tribulation: War World III, The Israeli government & spiritual leaders in exile in Petra spend 3 days confessing their sin of rejecting Y'shua as Messiah & praying for His return. Y'shua returns and destroys the armies of the AntiChrist, beginning at Petra, saves His Jewish people and stands triumphantly on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem. Hos. 5:15-6:1-3, Psm. 79 & 80, Isa. 64, Isa. 63:1-6, Hab. 3, Zec. 14:4

Additional 30 days & 45 days Dan. 12:11-12 to be continued in Part II.

Lura Maiman, Congregation Yeruel, Israel