The Cutting Edge of History

Have you noticed that major disasters have become commonplace? We expect to see disasters on the news each night - we have become used to them. We can watch films and buy videos of hurricanes, floods, tidal waves, tornadoes, avalanches, earthquakes, volcanoes, fires, or even meteor storms, etc. We are fascinated by the power of these things.

There are more ethnic & religious wars going on right now than during World War II. More Christians have been martyred in the 20th century than the past 2000 years. We are fascinated by death & destruction. Few will notice the coming Tribulation ...until it is too late. Matt. 24

Have you noticed the increase in magicians doing fantastic tricks that boggle the mind or the slick special effects in the movies? The audience has grown more & more sophisticated and expects to see airplanes & buildings disappear before their eyes. We, the people, want to be fooled and we want to be entertained. Few will think twice when the False Prophet appears and does his tricks ...until it is too late. 2 Thess. 2, Rev. 13

Have you noticed the increase in corruption in political leaders and the acceptance of that corruption and immorality by the people? Charisma is what counts in today's world. People want someone who looks good on television and strokes their egos. Few will notice that the AntiMessiah is Satan's right-hand man ...until it's too late. Dan. 7, 8, 11, Rev. 6:2, 13

Have you noticed what's happening in Israel? Little by little, the State of Israel is being dismantled. Piece by piece, it is being given over to Arafat & the Palestinians. Israel's government is constantly being pressured by nations around the world to give up more land to the Arabs. In the interest of "Peace", we won't notice when all nations come against Israel ...because they already have. Zech. 12

Did you realize that the Jerusalem of the Bible is Mt. Zion where the Temple Mount is located? Did you know that the Temple Mount is under the control of the Arabs? When the Jews recaptured it in 1967, they turned the Temple complex back over to the Arabs in the interest of maintaining peace. Jerusalem is still being trampled down by the Gentiles .and will remain so, until the Messiah returns. Luke 21:24b

Have you noticed the world attention given the peace accords between Egypt & Israel, Jordan & Israel, and the Palestinians & Israel? Down through history, the conflict has continued between the sons of Jacob and the sons of Ishmael & Esau. It will continue until the ultimate show-down between the Messiah and the Anti-Messiah (AntiChrist). Peace agreements between the Jews and the Arabs are becoming so commonplace that few will notice when the Anti-Messiah signs a 7-year covenant with the Jews ...until he breaks it after 3 ½ years. Matt. 24:15-16, Dan. 9:27

Y'shua said, "When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near!" See Luke 21:28-36

He also said, "Be careful, or your hearts will be weighed down with dissipation, drunkenness and the anxieties of life, and that day will close on you unexpectedly like a trap. For it will come upon all those who live on the face of the whole earth. Be always on the watch, and pray that you may be able to escape all that is about to happen, and that you may be able to stand before the Son of Man."

Read also 1 Thess. 5:1-11, "...For God did not appoint us to suffer wrath but rather to receive salvation through our Lord Y'shua Messiah." vs.9

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Reasons I know we are NOT in the Tribulation (as some are teaching):


  1. Daniel 9:24-27 makes it clear that there will be an individual who signs a 7-year covenant with Israel. This is the starting point for the Tribulation. (not the Rapture)
    A. Not everybody in Israel will agree to this covenant. (he makes it with many, not all)
    B. The covenant will be broken at the middle of the agreement (3 + yrs.), by causing the sacrificial system to cease.
    C. The one breaking the covenant will then cause desolation on the Jewish People - forced idolatry, among other things.
    D. God's wrath is then poured out until the completion of His program.
  2. Isaiah 28:14-22 gives the Lord's view of the covenant and calls the leaders that sign this covenant "scoffers".
    A. Because Israel signs a covenant with her enemies and hopes to avoid military conflict instead of turning to the Lord, God promises it will be a covenant of death and He promises war instead of peace.
    B. vs. 16 mentions the people who refuse to enter into the covenant and is a promise of security for them.
    C. God promises that once the Covenant is signed, He issues a decree of destruction and the Tribulation begins.

Reality of Today:

  1. The Jews do not have a Temple and are not conducting sacrifices.
  2. The Jews have not signed a 7-year Covenant with the AntiMessiah yet. (It will be public knowledge, because some will agree and some will not agree)
  3. God has not yet issued His decree of Destruction. Israel is not experiencing any great desolation at the moment; in fact, it is growing stronger and is considered a super power on a level with the United States and Russia. We have yet to see any great judgment of any kind here. The problems that are common here are common anyplace where man rules without consideration of God. We are definitely NOT in the Tribulation; it's too comfortable.

    Lura Maiman, Congregation Yeruel, Israel