Celibacy, Eunuchs, & Homosexuality

Celibacy - the God-given gift to be single and devote your life to serving Him without the distraction of a wife and children. Celibacy is a rare gift and you know you have it when it is NOT difficult for you to live without sex. That doesn't mean without any temptation, but it does mean that God has given you grace in that area and that you do not feel the need - the incompleteness - that usually accompanies singleness.

This gift is a rarity - it is NOT the norm. The apostle Paul (Rabbi Shaul) had this gift, and he recognized its value in serving the Lord, especially during times of persecution. However, he also wrote to Timothy to guard against things taught by demons, which forbid people to marry. He warned that some would abandon the faith and follow these deceptive spirits. I Timothy 4:1

It is wise to think and pray and be very sure you should not marry because of serving the Lord. Trying to practice celibacy without having the gift leads to fornication when the temptation becomes too strong.

Marriage is the norm; God made it that way to show forth the harmony that exists in heaven here on earth. The Lord placed his male attributes in man and his female attributes in woman: together they make a complete One. Marriage should be honored by all and the marriage bed kept pure. Hebrews 13:4



  1. FEAR of: failure, emotional intimacy, being hurt (married before and it didn't work), rejection, etc. Realize that you are missing God's best in your life and give up your fears to the Lord. Fear does not come from the Lord! Purpose to allow the Holy Spirit to minister to you and fill those areas, which were not being used to His Glory. No one is perfect, but when you invite the perfect Lord to participate in a relationship, marvelous things happen! Practicing celibacy when you should be married is falling short of God's grace and you don't want to miss out, do you?
  2. BORN A EUNUCH: Some people are born without the proper sexual organs or hormones, etc. and cannot be put into a category of male or female. Some people become eunuchs because of physical accidents or are made that way to serve a purpose. In ancient days, this was widely practiced on slaves, so they could serve in government positions without the distraction of families, etc. In modern times, this is rarely done except in backward countries. The good news is, that if you were born a eunuch or became one later, you have been chosen by God to serve Him wholeheartedly, and I urge you to do so. The prophet Daniel is an example of a man who was castrated and carried off to Babylon to serve the government there. He wholeheartedly served the L-rd. Other examples include the men, Shadrach, Meshach & Abednego, in the book of Daniel, who were famous for being thrown into the fiery furnace and protected by God. Accept yourself as a wonderful creation of God. The real "You" is not your body; it is your soul/spirit. The body is only a temporary house for your soul/spirit. God has a great blessing for you, because He can & will fulfill all your emotional needs. He is waiting to become your life partner!


  3. HOMOSEXUALITY: Many are deceived into believing that homosexuality is a valid optional or alternate lifestyle. The Word of God has much to say on the matter and it makes it clear that homosexuality is the end result of a rebellious attitude toward God. When the authority of God is rejected in one's life or one's nation, God, in turn, rejects that person or nation & gives them over to their perversion, which places them under a death sentence. Romans 1:18-32

There is forgiveness available as long as there is life. There is HOPE. You won't find it in psychotherapy, but you will find it at the foot of the tree (cross) where Y'shua (Jesus) took all our sins upon Himself. He paid your debt that you might be FREE! He wants you to be happy & at PEACE! Satan has attacked the family unit because it is a picture of God's family. One of the many ways he has undermined it is to play on our insecurities as to who and what we are. Our sexual identity has come under attack and especially during a time in which we are most vulnerable -our teen years.

The same deceiving spirits who spread their demonic teachings about forbidding to marry, are also working to spread homosexuality. It is not just a sin that involves only two people; rather, it is a symptom of the downfall of the nation! The lives of all those around you are affected. The only cure is repentance before a Holy God and to acknowledge HIM as Sovereign in your life. He is God and He wants to bless you. He created you and He knows you better than you know yourself. He knows what is good and what is not.

True fulfillment, true love, true intimacy comes from trusting God and allowing Him to minister in your life! It's your choice!

Lura Maiman, Congregation Yeruel, Israel