Jacob: Not a Scoundrel!

Jacob: Not a Scoundrel! Take another Look!

What do Jacob, Noah, Job and G-d have in common?

In Genesis 25:27, the Word of G-d says that Esau was a hunter and Jacob was a plain man. (KJV) The word translated “plain” is the Hebrew word Tav, Mem (pronounced “Tawm”) Strong’s #8535 or 8549. See how the Word of God uses this adjective:

  1. In Genesis 6:9, Noah is described as “perfect” in his generations.
  2. In Job 1:1, Job is described as "perfect”.
  3. In Job 1:8, and in Job 2:3, G-d describes Job as the most “perfect” in his time.
  4. In Psalm 18:30, G-d’s way is described as “perfect”.
  5. It’s used in the Song of Solomon 5:2, as my “undefiled”.
  6. This word is also used several times in Leviticus concerning the sacrifices – there it is translated “unblemished” or “without blemish”.
This word means to be complete, whole, morally sound, innocent, and full of integrity.

Thumim (Strong’s #8552) is another variation on this word from the same root letters: Tav and Mem. Perhaps you recall that the High Priest carried the Urim and the Thumim inside his breast pockets. Urim is the word for “lights”; Thumim is the word for “perfections”.

What is the point of all this? Perhaps we need to take another look and a different perspective of Jacob. G-d says Jacob was sound, wholesome, morally full of integrity, while his brother, Esau, was a man who followed his physical urges.

Jacob is the Father of the Jewish People. As such, he is the foundation upon which G-d chose to build a holy nation of priests. That means he is open to attacks by the enemy of our souls. This is the same enemy who seeks to slander and destroy anything which carries G-d’s seal of approval. Too often, the “visible church” has been all too willing to jump on the bandwagon of criticism. We need to look at the Word of G-d through the eyes of G-d and allow the Spirit of G-d to teach us.

For centuries, Jacob has been maligned and misunderstood. If it is O.K. to criticize the very foundation of G-d’s Chosen People, then it follows that it is O.K. to criticize the Chosen People. Well, it’s not O.K. to do either one! It is time to set the record straight. This is the beginning of a four-part teaching on the life of Jacob. It is the bare basics, so after you read this teaching, please allow the L-rd to minister to your heart and teach you even more about this remarkable man in your own studies. There is much in his life to bless your soul!

Lura Maiman Beckford, Congregation Yeruel, Israel