Prophecy of the Northern Invasion of Israel

Northern Invasion of Israel — Coming soon!

Ezekiel 38:1 through 39:16


Gog, (title, like President or Ceasar, etc - not a personal name) Leader of Magog, the Prince of Rosh, Meshech and Tubal.
Magog, Rosh, Meshech and Tubal are names of ancient tribes which occupied areas of modern Russia.
Magog, Meshech and Tubal were between the Caspian and the Black Seas (Southern Russia)
Rosh was northern Russia and became the basis of the word Russia.
Meshech later gave its name to the city which became known as Moscow, capital city of Russia.
Tubal gave its name to the city which later became Tubolsk, a major city in the Urals of Siberia
What was known as the Soviet Union encompasses these areas Ezekiel mentions in verses 1-4. In verse 6, the prophet adds that these come from the uttermost parts of the north. (repeated in 38:15 & 39:2.) From Israel, the uttermost part of the north is Russia with Moscow being almost a straight line due north from Jerusalem.

Russia is the leader of the invading northern confederacy.

Other Nations involved (verses 5-6):
* Persia (Modern-day Iran)
* Cush (Ethiopia)
* Put (Somalia)
* Gomer (Germany)
* Togarmah (Armenia)
* “...and many peoples with you”


The Land of Israel - " the mountains of Israel - like a storm cloud that covers the Land."

REASON FOR THE INVASION - “to take a spoil.” (vs 10-12)

The invasion is pre-meditated: “...they devise an evil device.”

Other nations verbally protest the invasion:
* Sheba and Dedan - northern Arabia.
* Tarshish and all the young lions - (Hebrew idiom meaning Tarshish and nations which have come from Tarshish) probably Spain and nations which came from Spain - much of the western hemisphere.


“...that the nations may know me, when I shall be sanctified in you, O Gog, before their eyes.”

WHAT is G-D DOING? (vs 17-23)

G-d moves in anger against the invading army. Earthquake, civil war among the soldiers, pestilence, blood, flood, hailstones, fire and brimstone. The army is destroyed without any help from anyone else.
G-d is sanctified (made holy) in the eyes of many people. (verse23)

Ezekiel 39:1-16 gives further details on the invasion:
* The invading army will be destroyed on the mountains of Israel. (from Jenin in northern Samaria southward to the hills north of Beersheva - includes, Shechem, Samaria, Jerusalem, Bethlehem, & Hebron)

* The Land of Magog (modern-day Russia), itself is devastated by brimstone raining down on it. “Russia” will cease to be a political force in world affairs.

* G-d’s Name will be be known among the Israelis as well as the Gentile nations. (Revival!)

* G-d’s Name will not be allowed to be profaned.

*it will take seven years to dismantle and burn the military equipment left behind.

*People will be employed to bury the dead: this will take 7 months. A valley will be set aside as a burial ground . It will be called the valley of Hamon Gog. A city will be established nearby which will be called Hamonah, which means a "great many".


The Invasion takes place when:
1. Israel is a State again. (Fulfilled in 1948)
2. The waste places of the past are inhabited again. (Being fulfilled now!).
3. Israel is dwelling in unwalled villages. (modern state of Israel) 4. Israel is dwelling securely (in confidence, not peacefully). (Fulfilled now!)
5. Israel will have at least seven years to burn weapons and establish a city and a cemetery.
So this will happen a MINIMUM of 3 1/2 years BEFORE the Tribulation. (At mid-point during the Tribulation, Israel will be on the run until the Messiah returns and will not have the time or resources to look for dead bodies and to burn the weapons.)

Recommended Reading: Footsteps of the Messiah by Arnold G. Fruchtenbaum, Ariel Press

Lura Maiman Beckford, Congregation Yeruel, Israel