Retired, Discharged or Deceased

If you are a retiree, this service is free; if you are a dischargee, this service will cost you $3.50 per name. In essence, you submit to them a name and they will give you the following information: 1. If the redhorseman (or airman) stayed in and is still living, they will forward a letter (from you) to him, but will not give you his address nor phone number. 2. If the redhorseman stayed in and died while on active or retirement status, they will let you know the date of his death. 3. If the redhorseman was discharged and is currently employed with civil service, they will give you his work address. 4. If the redhorseman was discharged and not working civil service, they will tell you that he was discharged and nothing else.

Note! This connection was a major break-through for us. Although painstaking and tedious, finally got all the guys of our unit processed. Each reply took approximately 1 to 3 months. I strongly suggest that you do not rush this system nor get too pushy…don’t want to mess up a good thing, don’t want to mess things up for the next guy!

Hint! Although technically only one name per search…with some charm, diplomacy, and sucking up, you should be able to get around this one name limit, but don’t get greedy, don’t burn this bridge!

Caution! I was advised not to ever mention the word "REUNION," and I advise you likewise.

P.S. The amount of names you can submit above the one name limit is directly proportional to your approach, and the mood and disposition at the distant end.

Prerequisite: Horse sense and discretion!

U.S.A.F. World-Wide Locator
550 C. Street West, Suite 50
Randolph AFB, TX 78150-4752
210/652-5775, 210/652-5774 (Recording)