(prepared by Edwin Beckford)

The Republic of Korea (ROK) Capital Division, also known as the Tiger Division, which we simply referred to as "Rock Solders" arrived in Qui Nhon, the capital of Binh Dinh Province during October of 1965. "They were deployed to the areas between Qui Nhon and Binh Khe in Binh Dinh Province where they remained for the duration of their involvement in Vietnam." (Vietnam, Dec.89, pg 50-53)

"The tigers took part in Operation Masher-White Wing beginning January 28, 1966...securing Phu Cat and tightening their hold on Highways 1 and 19."(Vietnam)


Operations by the ROK Capital Division between January 23-29, 1968, clearly illustrate the Korean technique. Six companies encircled and trapped an enemy force near Phu Cat, forming a tight cordon around the hapless Communist soldiers. The Koreans gradually tightened the noose during the day and stoically maintained their position at night. The frantic NVA caught in the circle fought doggedly, aiming concentrated strikes at various points in an effort to break out of the cordon. This went on for six days, after which 278 NVA were dead. The Koreans lost just 11 men; a kill ration of 25.3 to 1. Unimaginative and overly cautious planning and execution may have raised American eyebrows, but it also produced dead NVA bodies." (Vietnam)

"On one operation in Binh Dinh Province a ROK patrol was fired on by Viet Cong guerrillas hiding in a hamlet. The Koreans swept through the area and exacted revenge on the villagers whom they were certain had 'allowed' the Viet Cong to enter the village. American troops entering the village the next day reported the horror of Korean retaliation. ROK soldiers had tied the hamlet chief, his wife and children to stakes and disemboweled them as an example to the villagers. Much of the population was then systematically slaughtered, their bodies left where they lay. As testimony to what could befall anyone who 'aided' Viet Cong, one survivor was told by the ROK commander to "leave this place and tell people what happened." In other instances, ROK soldiers were encouraged to bring back Communist heads as proof of the kill for body counts." (Vietnam)

"A captured Viet Cong document stated that, "contact with the Koreans is to be avoided at all costs unless a [VC] victory is 100 percent certain."" (Vietnam)