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~*sammi's* *domain*~

Read up on me / Go here to see my friends Here's pix of just me / My family lives here

Hey, welcome to my homepage. This is Sam, the owner. GO ME!!This site wouldn't be here without amanda..actually yah it would but all it would have had was maybe a title. I wanna say HI to all my snazzy friends which add up to a total of 2, I have no guest book so it's your lucky day you don't have to sign anything!Anywho...GO ME!!!

My words of Wisdom, if you click on the link, you'll see what they are.

grade 9 had to be one of the best experiences I have ever experienced. Before I was a little cautious but everything. In grade 8 I was afraid to do things because of what people thought of me, but usually I did it anyway regardless. I will never forget my first day of school Mr. connollys relegion class. He was very humourous and really cool..for a teacher. I also met someone named stephanie and she has been my friend since the first day of school. In grade 9 I upgrade. I didn't care what people thought of me and I did my own thing. Although some of the rules sucked, it was freedom(depite the classes) Everyone affected me in there own little way. All the little ginos/ ginas taught me to never be like them. Julie taught me that being blonde is good. Rob, Kevin, Ian, and Matt taught me that all guys are jackasses. Malorie taught me that crack was fun. Mr.Connolly taught me how to be strong. Scary Hairy Stalker Frank taught me not to stalk people..its scary. And for everyone that I met in semester 2, I wish I've known you on semester 1 and all you guys rock!To all my friends thank you for being there. You taught me courage and strength and when I'm taken from you, I'll have your courge and strength for when things get tough and rough. I love you all and god bless. Love Always, Samantha Michele Chezy

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