Site hosted by Build your free website today! day your prince will come...mine just got lost,took a wrong turn and is too stubborn to ask for directions

2.I know I'm not perfect but I'm so close it's scary

3.Never hug a bear

4.He who laughs last thinks slowest

5.There are no stupid questions just stupid people

6.What happens if you get scared half to death twice.

7.The only reason why he's with you cuz he oviously doesn't know me.

8.When life hands you lemons keep complaining til you get the orange you ordered.

9.Are you always this stupid or is today some special occasion?

10.Do'n compare yourself to the best others can do but the best you can do

11.I ran up the light, closed the stairs, turned out my bed, and crawled into the light all because he kissed me good night

12.Before you critize someone walk a mile in the shoes. Then when you critize them you'll be a mile away and you'll have their shoes.

13. Don't meddle in the affairs of a dragon for you are cruncy and taste good with ketchup.

14.If life hands you lemons say "hey I love lemons what else you got"

15.If you love someone put there name in a circle not a heart, because a heart can be broken but a cirlce goes on forever.

16.Everyone is entitled to be stupid but you are oviously abusing the privalage.

17.I don't need your attitude I have one of my own.

18.Boys? No thanx I already own one.

19.How come guys talk so much but have nothing to say but girls have plenty to say but no one will listen?

20.The only regrets you have in life are the risks you don't take.

21.Friends are the best cure no matter what your troubles are.

22.Roses are red, viloets are blue. God made me pretty but what happened to you?

23.Dream and feel free, love and feel special.

24. I lost my teddy bear can I sleep with you?

26.United we stand together we heal.

27.If God sneezed what would you say?

30.A man's home is his castle...until the queen arrives.

31.Duct tape: Mans secret weapon

32.Mean people prodice little mean people

33.Julies theroy,1.think of the ugliest person you know.2.turn them into a cat.3.aren't they ten times cuter?

34.I hear voices and they don't like you.

36.Just because IM BLONDE doesn't mean I'm stupid. It's an excuse for me to do stupid things is like a hot bath, the longer youre in it, the more rinkled you get

38.Everybody is somebody else's weirdo

If anyone has any other words of wisdom email me and I'll put them in here!

