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Funny Stuff
The Robert Files
Creepy Things
Nothing Good Here
Art Gallery
Pictures of Me & Friends
About Me

Art Work

Still working on this, I need to get the pictures scanned.I'll try and put as many as I can on here. Hope you like them.Please don't take my work, I know it may not be worth it to say that, but please don't,just in case.

Flying Pigs
I like this one, its a perspective thing we did for art, its cool, I swear.

Two Faces
This is a thing I did in art to show lots of shading and stuff. Just smile. Hehe.

Stupid cartoon, it makes no sense, its not even funny, but it was enertaining to me at the time...I think Sarah was going to slap me for it.

Picture of a clown, I was trying to draw like Sarah, and it didn't exactly work...

I was look at the inside of a Cold cover,you know,the little booklet,and this looks something like a drawing inside it.

Just a clown, Sarah likes it for some reason.

Boy with scissors
Just a boy with scissors, I got this idea from inside the Cold cover thingy too.My mom thought it was a joke about a hair dressor.

More soon...

Sarah's Page