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Creepy Things
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Stevie's creepy,scary,bizarr list

  1. Skinny blonde people who smile so big their cheeks disapear
  2. Brittany Spears,Christina Agulara,ect.
  3. Alines,they are coming to get me again!
  4. Sushi(ick)
  5. Dimples
  6. Motivational speakers
  7. Real furs that have been skinned off poor inicent creatures
  8. People or others that are afraid of things that know html
  9. Politics and government

    Jonathan's list of Creepy things

    1. Swimming with fish
    2. Girls on their period
    3. Seeing a bum walk off the highway
    4. Bats

        Christina's list of Creepy, Scary,Bizarr List Of Creepy Things

        1. Dimples
        2. Skinny people with big butts
        3. The word silly
        4. Preps that are gothic
        5. White people that think there black
        6. Mr.goodrich naked
        7. Fat people haveing sex with migits
        8. Fat people wearing clothing 3 sizes too small
        9. Spiders
        10. Mrs.Court and Mrs.Macky naked

            Steve's List of Creep, Scary, Bizarr List of Creepy Shit

            1. Girls on their Period
            2. Old people(my parents)
            3. My friends
            4. The janitor with one eye
            5. Seeing myself naked
            6. Blind people that drive
            7. Hiary women
            8. 80 year old lesbians
            9. Other men's penis's
            10. Shemales
            11. Being in the locker room with Erin
            12. People who try too hard(way, way too hard)
              P.S. Special thanks to Jereme's sick mind for all these

              Bryan's List of Creepy, Scary stuff

              1. Heather
              2. Bananas
              3. Cheese
              4. Old Cheese
              5. Old People
              6. Babies
              7. Jonathan
              8. Steve
              9. Zach
              10. Zach's Dog

                  Heather's List of Bizarr, Icky Things

                  1. Women on their periods
                  2. Mr.Holsteins jokes
                  3. Children
                  4. Being in dark rooms with Paul
                  5. Paul
                  6. Zach's dog
                  7. Dan being hyper:Krikey their walking!
                  8. Hairy legs
                  9. Being humped
                  10. midgets

                      Zach's List of Creepy Shit

                      1. Posers
                      2. Happy people
                      3. People who try to be sad
                      4. People who want attention
                      5. Heather's mind
                      6. Old people with Viagra(he'd know)
                      7. Bryan
                      8. Beastiality
                      9. Mike hughs
                      10. Academy(our 'smart people' program) Teachers

                          Mike H's(from above) List of stupid Shit

                          1. Zach without a shirt
                          2. See above
                          3. See above
                          4. See above
                          5. See above
                          6. See above
                          7. See above
                          8. See above
                          9. See above
                          10. Zach without pants

                              Sarah's List of Creep, Bizarr Shit

                              1. Things with more than 4 legs
                              2. Alex Fry & Will
                              3. S.T.D.s
                              4. Things with more than 2 nipples
                              5. Cats
                              6. White people who TRY to act black
                              7. Precum
                              8. Anorexia
                              9. Hardcore drugs
                              10. Goldfish... named Jaws