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Paranoid stuff here,yay,isn't that great?This will probaly make one of your friends start being paranoid

When your walking with you friend walk as close to the wall as you can.

Check behind the door before you go through it

Constantly check behind you

Randomly run out of the room and come back as if nothing happened

Start to say something but interrupt by cocking your head to the left and listening,"I thought I heard something"

Say things like: "You know how easy it would be for a guy to jump through the window with a knife and kill us?" or "You know how easy it would be for a person to hide a bomb in here?" or "You know how easy it would be for a guy to chain all the doors shut and burn us alive in here?" In all the cases you must point out the easiness of it all and discuss how he would do it.

You: "Would you go out with a stalker if he promised not to kill you?"
Them: "NO"
You: (mutter to self) "Damn"

Shout "the soda cans are rolling over the eagle" into your shirt pocket and then dive onto the floor

Hold your hand up to your ear and tilt your head. After 3 or 4 seconds, say " Oh my God" and run out of the room

Shake your friend very hard and say, "We never had this conversation....Understand?...Understand?"

Mumble, "I watch you when your naked" in a stalker like voice.

Penguins are just awesome