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POEMS If you'd like to send me a poem, send it to, making sure you put poem or something in the subject. Have a nice day.

I know you guys will probably take some of these, just make sure you leave the aurthor's name giving them credit.Thank you.

Got no Pride
Got nothing left t loose
No time to choose
Swallow your pride
Just close your eyes and die

Take it in full stride
No reason to hide
Got it all
All in good time
Not worth a dime
Just thought you changed
But it's all the same
I'm just looking for someone to blame
To you it was just a f****** game
It was fun while it lasted
Which wasn't very long

Take it like a man
Don't give a damn
Can't take no more of your shit
Or anymore of your fits
Cause in the long run I always win
Minorty is the way so f*** off I'm right desppite all your shit

Got nothing left loose
No time to choose
Swallow your pride
Just close your eyes and die


I'm stuck here again in the end
And there's not much left to fight for
It all turned to hell but I just can't tell what happened

So it's me alone and no one else
I can't believe in myself
Because I'm too f****** stupid
So I'm left alone and have nothing to do
But write this shit to you

I don't know what the hell I 'm trying to say
But it will all turn out well this way
I hope this gets to you all
In the worst possible way

But I don't see thi shit changing for me
So I'm stuck here again in the end
And there is not much left to fight for
Lost all hope in what I believe in

Driving Lesson

The day is here,

It has finally arrived,

The wait is over,

Today, you learn to drive.

You drive around like a pro,

As you bragged you would,

You smile at your father,

You're feeling pretty good.

Your dad says you're a natural,

As you slightly begin to swerve,

You both jolt straight forward,

You've smashed into the curb!

Your father reaches out his hand,

His face deprived of glee,

You think he reaches out to help you,

Instead he grabs the key.

As you lay in bed that night,

And hear your parents confer,

"Next time he wants to drive,

he'd better be insured!"

(my cousin)Ryan Mckay

Why does life never turn out
The way you want it to?
Trying so hard to do your best,
Working through and through.
Incompentence holds you back
From a fight that you can't win.
Horendous sounds, a flash of light
A raging storm begins.
Why should you keep trying,
When all you do is fail?
Take my mind and mold it,
For you know I'm weak and frail.
Wandering in unending circles,
The corners you can't find.
It's stuck and lost inside you,
Your mind and soul a bind.
Why does life never turn out,
The way you want it to?
Trying hard to do your best
Working through and through.

From the outside looking in,
Never knowing where to begin.
Life's a whirl wind, You struggle to survive.
Nothing goes your way, you just want to die.
Up and down
The mood it sways
Happy and Sad
Finding out you never stayed.
Once you think you've found someone
They just turn their back.
Leaving you and never knowing,
What you really lack.
Craziness sweeps over you
As you sit and think aloud
Crying out, yet no one hears.
Drowning in a crowd.
While you're outside looking in
Struggling to leave
Someone's inside watching you
Wishing the same thing.

~A Church Bell Sings~
A thousand thouhts,
A screaming headache.
A shaking body,
A decision to make.
A slash of the knife,
A sigh of relief.
A creak of the door,
A scream of disbelief.
A church bell sings,
To signal the burial.
What a way to die,
So sad and horrible.
Smile, be happy,
She is finally free.
Don't be confused,
She is really me.

My head is pounding,
My skin in flames.
Shaking fiercely,
No one to blame.
Thoughts are coming,
Into my mind.
Never knowing,
What I'll find.
Walls are closing,
Voices heard.
Pain is flowing,
It's all absurd.
Razors rushing,
Through my veins.
Hear the echoes,
It's all insane.
Stop and think,
Take one breath.
I can't tell...
Is this death?

Emptiness is here,
I can feel it all around.
A shallow depth within this soul,
No will to live is found.
Nights are days,
And days are nights.
The hours all blend to one,
Foundations of reality have left me now,
and gone.
Sustained by only instinct,
Does my body take each breath.
With shatted hopes and broken dreams,
I die this living death.
My independence absolute,
My worthiness all gone.
I fight to hold reality,
And slowly soldier on.
With all that I can muster,
I seek strength, so hard to find.
What happened to the girl I knew,
Who fell so far behind.
So beaten down and trodden,
Disillusioned and so frail.
Once more she plays the ending,
In a somber haunting tale.
What things in life have I done wrong,
To suffer in this way.
Each time I stand,
Start feeling strong,
My world starts to decay.
Round and round my head it spins,
As I try to make things clear.
Everything I try to grasp,
Will always disappear.
Once again I have to search,
This heart I have inside.
All I see that's left in there,
Is foolishness and pride.
How can a girl go on like this,
What secret goes unseen.
These wounds I bare will never heal,
This conscience never clean.
I close my eyes and inwardly,
Try hard to understand.
What lessons does like keep from me,
What scheme does fate have planned.
I try to see my future,
But the truth does not pretend.
Someway, soon, somehow, I know,
This emptiness will end.