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Name: Bonez The Cutthroat

Height: 6'2"

Weight: 226lbs


Promotions: Epw, Icw, EWF, IFW, MFW, IPW, RWF, RWA, HWA, US of A, UCW, UWF, RCW, UFCW,EWF, ACW and countless others..

Style: traditional, comical

Signature Moves: Hoist the sails(chokeslam) and Walk plank..

Titles Held: EWF tv title, RWA tag team title, UFCW tag team title, ACW hardcore title and current FSPW World Champ.

Years: 7

Trained (by): "the Giant" Paul Lauria

All time favorite workers: All the luchadors that went from ECW to WCW, Benoit and everyones favorite MYSELF!!

Quote: The last time I saw something like you I flushed it... and Id hit you right now but SH*t Splatters!!

Words from the Cutthroat

WELL WELL WELL.. it looks like BoneZ has finally reached the great shores of Fernandina . I have been up and down this great state of ours. I have seen the dirtiest of slums.. and the nicest richey neighborhods.. but nothing is better then SPW and the beach. Well there are a few things better then SPW and the beach.. like the FINE WOMEN of Fernandina , the fine women in a bikini, the fine women in a bikini on the beach . THE FINE WOMEN, the sites and sounds on the beach and even better then all that .. that bikini on the fllor of my room tomorrow morning.. We all know BoneZ likes to get his plank raised any chance he can.. and in this great will be HARD to lower the plank