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Super Smash Brothers Card Game

Game Rules
Character List
Special Characters
Current Set

Super Smash Brothers

Hello. It's me, the webmaster of the Zelda site Link's Adventure, here in a whole different light. This is the officail site for the Super Smash Brothers Card Game.

Here at S.S.B. Cards HQ, you will begin your journey to become a master of the cards, and unstoppable machine. You try to get the best team together possible and beat your friends (and enemies). Read the rules in the Game Rules section. Please tell your friends about this game, so you have as many people possible to test your skills on.

Please don't blow the game off because you don't like to try new things or you don't want to have to work at all. Just give it a try. I'm pretty sure you'll like it and if you don't, I'm not stopping you from quitting and giving away your cards.

Every month, five new cards will appear on the Current Set section, enough for one team. Print them and cut them out, and you'll have five new elite fighters for your ever-growing team.

The last thing you need to play are the Button and Hazard cards, and the damage counters, called "battlers". Print these out as many times as you like out of the Deck section of the site.

Well, that's all you need. Now have some fun!