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Codename: Epyon.
Real Name: Unknown, foster name Thomas Bennett
Age: 19 years old
Gender: Male
Title/Rank: Former Red Rook, Red Hellion, Black Rook and Black Mage, currently Purple Knight.
Current Dwelling: Blue Hellfire Club Castle, England
Nationality: Family origins, English, his nationality however is Unknown.
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Status: Citizen of the United States of America with no criminal record.
Known Relatives:
Jessica Bennett (Foster mother, deceased), Simon Bennett (Foster father, deceased) Thomas Bennett (Foster grandfather, deceased)


Although not much is known about this powerful warrior, it is believed he may not even be of this world. found by Steven, the new Blue King, he was discovered by the telepathic genius in a burning heap of unknown metals and materials. Steven sensed immense power in the boy and quietly slipped into the wreckage and took him to his lab, where he bio-genetically enhanced him and replaced his real memories for later on, when the time would come to expose the truth, and before the boy was fostered, hid his powers for later. Thomas (the name given to him) was later taken into an exceptionally wealthy household, his foster father owning Bennett and Co., one of the world's biggest and foremost games production companies. His life was very easy; he lived in Beverley Hills with his wealthy parents, in a stunning beach home, attended an excellent high school and had many friends. The only thing he had to complain about was his foster father's (Whom he thought to be his real father) absence, which was the downfall in his life. By the age of ten, Thomas showed unmatched intelligence regarding electronics, hardware and several other aspects of machinery. His analytic mind perplexed most of his teachers. Unbeknown to him, this was the first sign of his mutation. Then around eleven years old, he started developing symptoms of insanity, he could hear voices and see things that weren't there. His parents took him to see a specialist mutation doctor, Dr. Andrew Sheen, who wrote it off as low-level telepathy. This devastated Thomas and his foster parents, resulting in Thomas' attitude turn around. He became secluded and spent more time around computers, calling them his only friends. He forced his parents into giving him a tutor so he didn't have to leave his house. Then little by little, he started changing again. His speed increased, as did his stamina, his senses became more acute, his agility increased, as did his strength. Finally he could sense the energies of living beings around him and one fateful night that power would prove dangerous. He became somewhat more confident in his attitude, and eventually re-entered his school, telling people he'd been suffering a long-term illness. I the end he invited Sandra Hesseltine out on a date with him. As they walked home from the cinemas, Thomas spotted a group of street thugs attacking a young lady and man, unbeknown to him, that young man would turn out to be Aquapyro. The boy was clearly a mutant; he turned on thief into a block of ice and set fire to the other. But he was being overwhelmed. So, gathering those energies he could feel inside of him into on focused place he actually unlocked what he called the 'spirit shadow'. Actually, he gathered the energy of the surrounding organisms and manipulate that energy into blasts of concussive force. Later training with this skill would give him the ability to fly and have animal and plant telepathy. But for now, it was a powerful blast, stopping the robbers, but putting tremendous strain on his body. Thomas collapsed and was rushed to hospital. His girlfriend naturally left him, and the community didn't rejoice in his heroic act; merely shunt him as a freak. Once again Thomas was emotionally scarred. Then one crazy night, shortly after his seventeenth birthday, he was approached by the same man who he helped save all those nights previous. Calling himself Aquapyro, Kyle told him how he'd been rescued by a man called Steven Booth and Joseph Ryan, who were running a Hellfire Club that their descendants were once a part of. Thomas was confused and confronted his parents, who reluctantly told him about the Beverley Hills Hellfire Club. Seeing the Club as a refuge for their son, they contacted the then Black King, Steven Booth, and enrolled him in the Club. Unfortunately, they were suddenly killed in a freak air-crash. Thomas, now calling himself Epyon the Black Knight (a position many of his "ancestors" held) was left distraught, but inherited his father's fortune. Leaving the C.E.O. of his father's business in charge, Thomas took a more active role in the Club, but always had his father's finances to fall back upon if the need be. Unbeknown to everyone in the entire Club, Joseph Ryan, the slightly insane White King, had Thomas' foster parents murdered along with all the other members' parents, so the children could inherit their fortunes. After a bitter argument about the possibility of an Outer circle, Steven left the Court and joined the InterNETional Hellfire Club. Thomas remained in the Beverley Hills Club until Joseph tried to have them all assassinated and replace them with new members, taking their wealth. Thomas sought out the former Black King, who was at the time serving as Red Bishop, who rescued him, and enrolled him into the Inner Circle as Red Rook. Steven also saved the others and placed them in the ranks as Hellions and General members. Thomas found Court life stressful and resigned to Hellion for a time. Enjoying himself as a Hellion, with his peers, Thomas has truly found a home with the Red Court.
Time passed, and his skills grew. Recently, he had been approached by Seven, seemed the Inner Circle had been talking with one with another, and the time had come to expand the power base with a secondary Court of which Steven was to be King, and Thomas was saught to fill the new position of Purple Knight.
When the Purple and Red Courts split, Thomas opted to stay in the Purple Club. And he regained his title as Knight when the Court relocated to England as the Blue Hellfire Club.


Thomas has three mutations: -

His analytic mind is linked with his telepathy that he has directed to computer telepathy. He can mentally attack computers and other electronic machines (psychokenesis) . But as a normal telepath, Thomas is very inexperienced.

His metabolism is much more advanced than normal humans; He has enhanced speed, durability, stamina and strength. Thomas has incredible agility and acute senses.

His most exasperating power is his "spirit shadow". He mentally collects the energy emitted by life forces and directs it into concussive blasts of tremendous force. With concentration he can make himself fly. But using thee abilities to a high extent may tire him and put a strain on his body.

He is also a techno-genius, but his powers give him more of an advantage than most.


In his early childhood, Thomas a lively, active child who enjoyed normal things a boy his age should. His only difference was his increased intelligence and his natural ability for electronics. Then upon finding out he was a mutant, he became secluded, hiding from society. He became obsessed with science fiction and computers. But after his second mutation he felt more confident and gained more self-esteem. Yet once again, he felt remorse for being a mutant, and started to hide away from humanity, slowly turning against them. But upon arrival to the Red Court, he has learned to socialise more, and has stared to "chill" out more often. Loyal and dedicated, always ready to help out and will never turn someone away who needs help.


He is taller than most people, standing about 6'8, whilst weighing around 295lbs. His body in slender and muscular. He has bright blue/green eyes, and shortish blue hair. When he activates his spirit channeling powers, his hair turns yellow and grows to below his spine. He has a distinctive star across his left cheek, given to him by Joseph Ryan, when he tried to kill him.

Below are some of the many weapons Thomas likes to use in combat.