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Name: Graymalkin
Code Name: n/a
Public Alias: Felix Tigrano
Age: Unknown
City/Country of Origin: Londinium
Title/Rank: Hellion
Height: 6’4”
Weight: 95 pounds
Eye Colour: Green
Hair Colour: Gold-Brown
Known Relatives: None

In the time of the Pendragon, King Arthur, there was one woman whom everyone feared: Morgan LeFay. It is known that she recruited servants from many strange sources, but perhaps there is none stranger than a tribe of stray cats from the streets of the Roman city known as Londinium. Morgan picked out one and used her magic to transform him into a fearsome warrior. Half man, half cat he is Graymalkin! For the majority of his quasi-human life he served Morgan faithfully alongside his peers, Paddock a former toad, and Harpier a former raven.
Graymalkin learned to cast spells, brew potions, read the future in the ripples of a pond and all the other skills required by Morgan. When the fateful battle between the forces of the Pendragon and Morgan came, it was required of Graymalkin to fight. And fight he did for he was a prominent warrior among Morgan’s followers.
He was called to strike down a young warrior woman, something that his strong ethics forbade him to do. When he refused Morgan threw him back into the body of a cat doomed to wander the streets forever.

Graymalkin found himself once again in the city of London, England. Over the centuries he had wandered the world, visiting city after city. He had sired many kittens and ruled many cat tribes but had never found peace. When the mighty Avengers clashed with Morgan at Tintagel Head, Morgan harnessed the power of the reality-warping Twilight Sword. As the world was plunged into medieval times once again, Graymalkin was returned to his humanoid form. There was one minor change: he had been restored to the prime of youth.

Originally Graymalkin had only cat-like powers, akin to those of Tigra. He possesses greater strength, agility, stamina and speed than that of even an Olympic competitor. He has senses to rival even Wolverine and heals faster than a normal human (though not as fast as Wolverine).
Since he returned from his wandering life he has matter-warping abilities. When he wishes it matter will simply bend around him before returning to its original shape. For example, Graymalkin can walk through a wall and have it close behind him.

Graymalkin has sharp teeth and claws. His eyes are that of a cat though he no longer has a tail.
Graymalkin is head of a small catfood company called “Chow Down”. It is increasing in popularity and earns roughly about £1million a year.
Graymalkin’s memories were unfortunately wiped when he was returned to cat form. Although he has regained part of them, his early years are still hazy and he has lost much of the knowledge he once possessed: in both the magical and combat fields.