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Name: Samuel 'Ian' Mitchell Fitzroy.
Codename: Density, Ian Fitzroy.
Title/Rank: Formerly Black Bishop of the Beverley Hills Hellfire Club. Formerly Red Rook of the InterNETional Hellfire Club, IHFC Hellion, Purple Rook and now currently Blue Advisor..
Alias: None
Age: 39-years-old.
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 200lbs
Eye Color: Emerald green.
Hair Color: Sandy brown/blonde.
Skin Color: Light tan.
Features: He has average eyes, except for their sparkling green pupils.
He has short, sandy brown hair that is always smartly groomed. An average size nose, long face, and small ears and rich red lips.
Martial Status: He has always been single, but he is a lady's man, often dates.
Religion: He is a somewhat practising Catholic.
Nationality: American.

Mutant Powers: Ian can absorb the sun's energy and harness it through his body increasing his mass, resulting in super enchanced strength. He can also control the density of any inorganic material, and he can also fire beams of energy. Using his ability to control density, he can control the force and speed on his energy beams.

Family Background: He is a descendent of the originally English Fitzroy family; a powerful name regarding industrial revolutions and land ownership. Direct relation to those who once stood in the Northern Hellfire Club of England. When the Club re-established itself in the barren land of 'Beverley Hills', the Fitzroy's moved to America and have lived there eversince. Parents both millionaires’, owning a large chain of software development factories.

Current Residence: Ian currently lives in the Purple Court complex. He also has a small, yet uptown, house in New York and Rome.
Former Residences: West Bridge Private School for Higher Education.
Education: Ian is a very intellectual man; studying geophysics and mathematics upto PhD under the guidance of Professor Steven Booth.
Financial Status: Is a multi-millionaire, derived from his parents. He also has a quite comfortable living allowance as owner of Fitzroy Pharmaceutical Industries.
Occupation: Is the CEO of Omnitech, a large software company, and Fizroy Pharmaceutical Company. He also is in charge of supervising the many businesses owned by the Purple King, especially the many mutant research and teaching acadamies owned by RKB.
Former Occupation: Student, teacher at the West Bridge Academy for Higher Learning. Mercenary for the Canadian Government.
Qualifications/ Skills: Apart from all his educational pursuits, Ian can also speak French and read, but not speak, ancient Egyptian. He is a top-notch martial arts fighter, but nowhere near as advanced as even RKB.
Fashion Sense: Ian always wears the most expensive and well-tailored clothes, his favourite tones white, black and green.

Personality: Ian is calm, cool and collective, and never becomes stressed. He works well in difficult situations and is a born leader. Loyal and protective, Ian is an extremely good teacher and his charismatic personality is what makes him an excellent Rook.