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Name:Lark Daron Logen
Code Name: N/A
City/Country of Origin:Ireland
Height: 5' 1"
Weight: :90 lbs
Eye Color:Green-brown
Hair Color:Light brown
Mutation: Lark has the ability to enter people's minds, reading their thoughts and emotions, but her powers don't go extend to the level where she can control the person's actions through their minds. She also has the ability to overload the circuitry of electronic devices, causing them to explode, she has not yet learned how to control this power, so if she comes near any electronic device, it will explode.
History: Lark was born in Ireland, one of a set of twins, she was separated from her twin brother at birth. She was put up for adoption at age five, and ironically ended up in the same foster home as her twin brother, Levi, although she was unaware that they were actually related. When Lark's mutant powers surfaced at age thirteen, an unknown group of anti-mutant terrorists came to take her away from her home. Levi took a bullet for his sister in an attempt to save her from being taken, but this heroic effort failed, and Lark was taken to the terrorists' base and pumped full of mutation- suppressing drugs. Lark, unaware that her brother actually survived his wound, blames humanity for what she believed to be his death.
Distinguishing Marks: Lark has six scears on her body three of them around her left eye. Her left arm has one big very one. Her last two scears were covered bye her with two dragon Tattoos. Plass Lark has a brith mark on her right shoulder.
Strength Level: She possesses the normal strength of a young woman her age who engages.
Limitations/Weaknesses: Lark is allergic to red meat and thanks to the terrorists bees.