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Real Name: Xanthus Darkholme-Barrios
Other Aliases: (former) Jonathan Barrios
Identity: Not known by general public
Occupation: Assassin, mercenary, and ultimate spy
Legal Status: American and Genoshian citizen
Place of Birth: White Plains, New York
Marital Status: None
Known Relatives: Kurt Wagner (step-brother, Nightcrawler), Marie (step-sister, Rogue), Graydon Creed (step-brother), Raven Darkholme (mother, Mystique), Victor Creed (step-father, Sabertooth), Father Unknown, his last name is Barrios though...
Base of Operatoins: Varies
Group Affiliations: The Brotherhood and Hellfire Club
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 149-150lbs
Eyes: Red
Hair: Reddish-brown
Other distinguishing features: Blue skin and semi-muscular/toned body
Special Skills/abilities: 1st degree Black belt in Tae Kwon Doe, going for 2nd
Strength Level: Normal human strength of a man his age, height, and weight who engages in regular moderate exercise (However depending on what he shape-shifts into his strength will only increase to be able to lift up to about 230lbs, have speed up to 111mph, and have better healing abilities)
Superhuman Powers: Able to psionically shift the atoms and molecules of his body and of whatever clothes he is wearing so as to change his and its appearance. As a result he can cause himself to look and sound like an exact duplicate of any human, humanoid, or semi-humanoid being of either sex, wearing virtually any kind of clothing. His control is so exact that he can precisely duplicate another person's retina patterns and skin-pore patterns on his own hands and skin, and vocal cords to match voices to the point of corresponding voiceprints, and even brainwaves.
-Masquerade, however, is enhanced by his inability to increase his weight to at least 100lbs more than what he weights. Although he can maintain the form of a person of his height, weight and build indefinitely (as with his own appearance as Xanthus "Jon Barrios" Darkholme) the longer that he maintains the form of a person physically bigger than himself, the greater the strain he feels. If he maintains that bigger form for too long a period, the length of which is directly proportional to the difference in size between that form and his normal one, he will collapse and automatically revert to his normal form.
-Masquerade cannot duplicate the powers of people he impersonates, however he can become somewhat stronger, more dense in certain or all areas of his body, weight more, and become slower as well as the opposites of these traits. Like becoming quicker, less dense, and weaker.
-Also having heightened agility, stamina, and great marksmanship using almost any weapon.

--Attire: He is usually found wearing a black t-shirt that accents his slightly muscular body, and black caffeine pants with black sneakers. A belt graces his slime waist (30) holding his gun and a couple little objects.


Masquerade's history is short and sweet.
(1983)- Mystique, Masquerade's mother, was working as a nurse at the White Plains (NY) St. Agnes Hospital and decided to take the place of a recent patient that had come in and had a child. The woman, Elizabeth Barrios, was staying overnight due to some simple medical reasons, nothing serious of course. But in the time that she was there Mystique, who was posing as a nurse, became exceedingly larger to make herself appear pregnant.
When others noticed, whom really never noticed her before because she was the silent type, this she took a pregnancy leave and then decided to take the place of the woman who had just come in a day before. She while in there during the night shift on her last day at the hospital, she snuck some chemical packs into the woman's room to plug into Elizabeth Barrios. These drugs would put her to sleep for an extended period of time. When this was done she left immediately with the child that the other woman had borne.
Arriving at the woman's home she took the appearance of her and brought the child into the middle class, suburban home of Harrison, NY. Here the child grew up around her own tutelage and when the hospital called to report to the woman's husband on her health, Mystique would impersonate Jaime Barrios's voice to ok the health of his wife.
Months started to pass and she wondered how much longer she could hold this out...but in the time that she was with him, she fell in love this a part of him and then it hit her..again she would bear a child. Yes Mystique would have another child to bear, her two others being complete failures in her mind would hope that this one would proved her pride in her heart.
One night at the home, a familiar face turned up at the house, her cohort at this time, Mr. Sinister. While Jaime was away, Mr. Sinister made his visit to take some of the child's DNA (Note: this child belongs to Jaime and Elizabeth, his name is Jonathan, Mystique's child, Xanthus, is not borne yet) to clone least twice. She agreeing let him into the house and he collected the blood, meanwhile changing himself into the appearance of a doctor. He left quickly and some normality settled back in the home once again.
As the time passed, precisely 8 months, Mystique was ready to have the child the morning of December 23, 1983, (this being almost 8 months after Jonathan was born on April 23, 1983) and she was rushed to the hospital with her "husband" Jaime driving in a frenzy. She told him not to go to St. Agnes again in White Plains, but Port Chester's New York United Hospital. She insisted upon it many times until she noticed they had been going towards Port Chester. The child was born 4 hours later with a normal skin color of a Colombian. A day later she would go home with her child...naming him Xanthus, as strange as the name sounds Jaime accepted.
Days passing again..Christmas passed by and her little person inside her head was getting to her that what she had taken away from the true Elizabeth was wrong. So in late January of 1984, she visited the hospital for her last time. The other times being to renew the chemicals that made Elizabeth sleep. This last trip would be to unplug and take home the chemicals to dispose of at a later time which she did successfully, posing as a family member to come and visit; Elizabeth's mother to be exact.
When she got home she could not find Jonathan anywhere to be seen...she looked about and even asked her "mother" and "sister" whom lived upstairs and downstairs respectfully to her own apartment in the middle of the 3 family house. (The third apartment being the basement). They didn't know where she was either and she went into a frenzy...putting young Xanthus in a play pin for the time being. Until..the doorbell rang and there was Jonathan and his father Jaime...Mystique had answered it and looked at him with anger..he explained and things were fine. However with a quick flash of his red eyes to her she knew exactly who he truly was at that time, but said nothing.
As days pasted again Mystique got the final phone call from the hospital in White Plains where Elizabeth had been "sleeping" for an extended period of time.
She arrived at the hospital to pick up and bring home Elizabeth posing as her husband Jaime. "Jaime" took her home and made the excuse that he had to go back to the office, not before however taking Xanthus and putting him in an apartment she had rented out in Port Chester. Who was being watched by the landlord, a sweet old woman of 69.
She fled the home hoping to return one day, but she knew she wouldn't be able to and returned back to the apartment where Xanthus was..hoping he would be the one child she could have pride in. However, fatefully, two days later he was kidnapped overnight by an unknown force and taken from her clutches for the rest of her life.
(Recent time: 2001) Xanthus being 17 now...who he was brought up by is still a mystery to all who try to find out, he won't tell..yet at least, however his many and multiple "missions" he went upon during his time as a growing teenager for many-a-dangerous men, and women, in the underground economy made his life a key aspect of the boss who had him in his clutches. Many times he would be tried to be kidnapped by others who wished to pay him more for his services, even though Xanthus would work for any for the right price. Also, even though the boss who "hired" him like him, they dislike that they had to use a mutant for these things and some in the groups he worked with despised him even to this day. However, Xanthus knew that anytime he could leave without them knowing it...he chose to keep with his dangerous ways...making a pretty penny from his work as a spy, mercenary, assassin among many other things. He may have even worked in with some of your best friends at times. He has some extensive knowledge in chemicals, bombs, guns, and martial arts that were taught to him by "tutors".

Recently, after being hired by the Purple King to spy on the Red King, Masquerade was enrolled as a Hellion.