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Name: Sabrina Ancasta Brachode (formerly Ancasta Sabrina Kinner)
Codename: Morte
Nicknames: Bri, Lady Death, Merciful Death, Ice Queen, My Fair Lady, That Goth Chick.
Hair: Black, medium frizzy (has a habit of straightening it, though).
Skin: Pure white.
Eyes: Dark purple.
Lip color: Black.
Height: 5'7.
Weight: 120 pounds.
Age: 17.
Rank: Blue Rook
Religion: Formerly Satanist, now back to her first religion of Voodoo Priestess
Voice Tone: varies. Normally very cold, if she’s happy, musical. If she’s deeply hurt, beyond any ability to hide it, she sounds scratchy, like an old crone. She has a very exotic and unearthly voice, the accent being a mix of Vietnamese, German, French, Italian, and Cajun, and tends to put an accent on odd parts of speech. Her voice tends to be more fluid then chopped, although when she becomes angered, the German accent becomes dominant to the extent of making her sound like she’s spitting out her words. Basically, she has an exotic, sing-songish voice (for those of you who have problems with accents, like me)
Likes: Horror books/movies, some video games, pain, winning an argument, being alone, death, metal, irony, jokes.
Dislikes: Romance books, being forced to be social, being asked about her personal life, medication, children.

Fighting outfit: Black catsuit, long black gloves, and knee-high pointy black boots.
Normal outfits: Colors range from purple to black, with a rare red, long sleeves/pants, gloves and floor-length skirts a constant. The over-all theme of her clothing is gothic, with dashes of punk.

Mutant power:
Primary: Death. Instant and painless if the touch is glancing, lingering and more painful the longer she holds on. If it’s alive, she can kill it. Her power can also destroy non-living things, given time.
Ex.) You chain her up with the chains touching her skin, leave her alone for about an hour or two, and she’s made the chains rust and decay to the point where she can get out. This, she has to concentrate on, though (and yes, vampires fall under this category). Her primary power has the side effect of making a “copy” of the mind of the person she kills, and merging it with her shields. This has the result of, when her mind is shielded and scanned by a telepath, of them scanning thecopy of someone else’s mind. To get to her mind, a telepath must go through every mind on everylayer, and the closer to her mind they get, the more putrid and disgusting the mind. For example, on the first layer would be a “normal joe” type guy, while on the last layer would either be a completely deranged mind, or a perfectly sane person who kills priests and nuns and does sick things to them. This power, Morte is aware of. The following, however, she is not. As her last line of defense, a telepath would have to fight the actual spirit of her dead father, residing in her mind, and defeat him, WITHOUT severely hurting him, because if they destroy him, they destroy Morte’s mind as well, to the point that she could no longer even breathe by herself. Fun, no?
Course, there are ways around it, but I’m not telling you that ;).

Secondary: Telepathy and Telekinesis, both of which merge with her death power in times of stress to push it out of her body. Her telepathy she cannot access alone, but her telekinesis she can sometimes, though it is very weak. She can raise the dead, either in ghost form, or in zombie form. This power only surfaces under extreme stress, and is often out of her control, though in the future, she may learn control over this. Ex.) Severe fever, this power comes to surface, and we have corpses looking over her. It may also be accessed by going into a trance, but this is very iffy. She also can not be killed by the type of weapon used to kill her (a.k.a., just about any type of gun. Bazooka’s I’m not sure about), and will heal faster from those wounds then any other. She does tend to heal fast, and not to feel pain very much, but whether that’s a mutant power, or her own damn stubbornness, no one knows.

Non-mutant powers: Sometimes dreams events from the far past. Also has magical abilities stemming from her voodoo and from her demonic heritage, though it’s not measured.

Talents: she has a singing voice even more exotic then her speaking voice, one that truthfully should, by rights, belong either to an angel or a succubus, it’s that unearthly and beautiful. If one does not either become scared or cry while listening to her, then they have no heart. She can type as fast as a demon, she has some skill with a computer, is very good at debating, is good at street-style fighting, and gymnastics. She is also good at swing, interpretive, and pole dancing, and has the basics of the waltz down. She is also an excellent head-banger.

Health: Has clinical depression and is suicidal.

History: Sabrina was born to an Italian mother, Klara, and a half German, half black father, Donovan. She seemingly had a good life. And, other then being beat senseless by her grandmother Agatha, having to work as a prostitute from the age of 12 to 15, and giving birth to a still-born daughter at 13 who may not have been so still-born, she had a WONDERFUL (yes, that’s sarcasm) life. Despite all this, Sabrina seemed a survivor, one of those extraordinary people who rise above her problems to change the world. But, fate has it’s way of taking things into its own hands. One day, against her instincts, Bri accepted a ride home from Wil, one of the football players she'd turned down because he couldn’t pay her. Instead of taking her home, however, he took her into the woods and told her that if he couldn't have her, no one could. He then took out a pistol and aimed it at her head. She managed to break free and run as he fired, resulting in the bullet hitting her in the back and stopping in her stomach. As she fell, bleeding to death, her latent mutant power came to life. As the wound healed, her skin paled to dead-white, and her lips turned as black as her hair. Seeing her rise up, apparently alive, he turned and ran. But Sabrina chased after him, intending to make him pay for what he did. Using the strong leg muscles that being in gymnastics had given her, she caught up to him, and, grabbing his shoulder, prepared to teach him a lesson. When her skin touched his, however, he started to writhe in utter pain. She let go in shock, not knowing what was happening..and he fell at her feet, dead. Terrified, she ran home. Her father, seeing his beloved youngest daughter so upset, ran to her, and, before she could stop him, gave her a huge hug. That proved to be the last thing he would ever do, as he dropped dead at her feet, another victim of her power. Her grandmother Agatha, seeing her son, and the changed, obviously mutant appearance of her granddaughter, took matters into her own hand and drove Sabrina off the grounds, using methods that Sabrina will not talk about, telling her that if she ever came back, she would be killed. Unfortunately, Sabrina didn’t listen, and came in disguise to her father’s funeral. When she exited the church, a crowd of policemen where waiting for her. With no possible escape, her power then displayed another property: it went out of her body, and started killing the policemen. This caused the ones who were left to fire on her, gunning her down on the church steps. When Sabrina woke up, she was in a morgue, with a knife at her throat. Surprised, autopsy doctor ran to the phone while the paralyzed Sabrina tried desperately to make her body move. Picking up the phone, he started to dial to the police station upstairs, but was stopped by Morte’s friend Kaizzandra pointing a gun at his head. She led him away from the phone, hanging it up, and shot him. Helping her friend up, Kaizzandra waited while the temporary paralysis wore off, then led Sabrina out of then building. Once they where out, Kaizzandra set fire to it, burning it to the ground and making her get-away with Sabrina. Two years passed. Then, one day, Sabrina contacted Steven Booth, the Red Bishop of the InterNETional Hellfire Club, asking for a place in the Club, and a demonstration of her powers. When the Purple and Red courts spilt, she obviously went with Steven, and later became the Purple Scribe. Steven later promoted her to the Inner Circle as Rook. And the rest, as they say, is history.

Personality: Sabrina is a loner, both by choice, and by nature. Most of the time she appears slightly to extremely bored with everything around her. She is also very cold, but tolerant, to people, excepting those she likes, and those she hates. The ones she hates, she will either ignore or, if they do not do the same to her, laugh at their attempts to make her mad, and deliver cutting remarks. Those she likes, however, she will find ways to "bump into" them, and treat them with respect. Despite her cold nature, she is extremely loyal to the few people she calls friends. She has a morbid and sometimes perverted sense of humor, though she usually doesn’t let many (other then friends) see it, save when it’s used against them. She is also suicidal, but, since she cannot kill herself, as it was part of the agreement of her joining, she will volunteer for the most dangerous missions. She also refuses to talk about her religion, so don’t even try. One thing never to be done if to ask her a personal question, as she will very likely tell you the most disgusting answer she can think of.