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Queenly Confrontations *HF* by Shockwave

ShockWave knew it was bound to happen, so she wasn’t surprised when Chastity Darkholme, the Red Queen, breezed into her new office without knocking. Ever since RedKnightBishop had approached her to talk her into becoming the Purple Queen, ShockWave had known that the Red Queen would come by to size her up and put her in what Chastity Darkholme would consider as her place. ShockWave had read the little information she could access on the Queen from her computer file, and had heard about her from Epyon. Chastity’s outfit, a daring red ensemble that clung to every curve with and incredibly low neckline, and the air about the Red Queen told ShockWave that all she had heard was true. She said a quick mental prayer that they wouldn’t end up as enemies after this little ‘meeting’.

Chastity Darkholme looked the Purple Queen up and down. She hadn’t heard much about this ShockWave, apparently and old member of the BHC that decided to return to the folds of the Hellfire Club. Still, what she had heard led her to believe that the girl didn’t posses the ruthlessness to be a Queen.
Her face was open, friendly, and her green eyes shone with friendliness though she was perhaps slightly annoyed that Chastity hadn’t bothered to knock. She couldn’t know Chastity Darkholme, and how she didn’t need to announce herself to anyone. It would be important for her to realize this.
ShockWave is beautiful and has a nice body, Chastity thought. But she doesn’t show it off the way a Queen does. She looked at ShockWave’s outfit. She wore a tasteful lace up blouse, not the kind that clung tightly and showed of everything, but it demonstrated her shape without really showing you everything. Her skirt fell nicely and was cute and tasteful, but Chastity wouldn’t wear an outfit like that. It didn’t show off enough of her body, of her power. Her examination of ShockWave finished Chastity spoke. “I am Chastity Darkholme, the Red Queen.” Her air was confident and proud, the gleam in her eye declaring her superiority.

“ShockWave, the new Purple Queen,” ShockWave said with a little bow of the head to acknowledge Chastity’s greeting. “Would you care for a seat, Chastity?” she offered waving a hand to indicate one of the chairs in the room. Chastity sat on ShockWave’s desk. She was deliberately putting the new Queen at a disadvantage. If ShockWave sat in a chair, Chastity could look down on her to talk to her. If ShockWave remained standing it was as if she was coming to the other woman as a suppliant awaiting her judgement.
ShockWave’s eyes and face betrayed no emotion. “Well, I have come first of all to meet you, ShockWave. The two Queens living under the same roof should after all know eachother. I also thought I’d offer any advice or assistance to the Queen of our new subordinate court that I could.” Chastity put a slight emphasis on the word subordinate. ShockWave smiled gracefully, but her eyes gave nothing away. “Thank you, Chastity, for your consideration. I think I shall be able to handle myself very well, however. I’m not new to the Hellfire games, afterall. I was Bishop of the BHC before I decided to leave them.” “I think you’ll find the… challenges of this step up in rank to be great,” Chastity replied her eyes directly challenging the calm and collected ShockWave who was ignoring the subtler attempts to get a rise out of her.
ShockWave eyed the Red Queen speculatively. “I’m going to be straight forward with you, Chastity. I know all the dark little games of the Hellfire Club. I know what previous Queens were all like. I don’t plan on being that sort of Queen. The reason I am involved with the Hellfire Clubs is not a ruthless self-ambition, it’s not the few extra billion these connections would make my corporation, and it’s not a power trip either. The Hellfire Clubs are, and always have been, the most efficient way to deal with threats to this world and this universe. That’s my reason for being here and that’s what I fight for. And I will fight for it just as tenaciously and ruthlessly as I have to, Chastity. I promise you that.”

Chastity’s eyes narrowed and she gazed sharply at the other woman. An implied threat hung in the air between them about how ShockWave would deal with those within the organization that got in the way of her goals. “You’re just little Ms. Ideals, now aren’t you,” Chastity said scornfully. “I wouldn’t recommend stepping on too many toes and making too many enemies, dear. You can’t save the world if someone else gets you first.” The two women looked daggers at eachother for a moment. “You don’t have to abandon all scruples to get what you want and get things done. I’ll fight no matter the cost.” Chastity looked disdainfully at the other woman, making her disagreement evident. “Whatever path you decide to wander down in your foolishness means nothing to me,” Chastity said at last. “Just stay out of my way, and keep away from Ryan. He has a tendency of… going after powerful women. You don’t quite exude the same aura, but you are a Queen and I warn you know that I will brook no interference there.” She glared at the pretty red head standing across from her. The girl was pretty and different enough to tempt Ryan, and he could fool around however much he wanted with servant girls and… lesser women; but Chastity wasn’t going to let another Queen get her hooks in him. Not at least until he was his old utterly ruthless self again, and she knew that it wouldn’t mean anything to him.

ShockWave smiled grimly. “I wouldn’t worry there, Chastity. I have more self-respect and dignity to go sleeping around. I don’t need to in order to get what I want.” ShockWave let her words hang in the air for a second and calmly shrugged in the face of Chastity’s piercing glare at the insult. “I don’t care what other women do or think they get out of it. As for staying out of your way, so long as you stay out of mine we should be fine.”
“Milk-water sop!” hissed Chastity. “Maybe you could turn a blind eye as Bishop, but as a Queen you are going to get your heart-broken and ideals shattered. It will break you and no one will be there to save you.”
ShockWave was calm and looked away sadly. “I’ve had my heart broken before,” she said sadly. She looked up into Chastity’s eyes, her green eyes burning with emotion. “I’ve felt the strain and frustration of trying to have ideals in a harsh world. But each heartbreak and each frustration has just made me stronger and more sure that I’m doing the right thing. I have more inner strength and determination than even I myself realize. I think you may understand, because you seem like that sort of person as well. We may not ever agree, Chastity, but we can at least understand eachother. We can be enemies, but we don’t need to.” Chastity looked more carefully at ShockWave. Her words showed that there was more to her than Chastity had originally thought. She was more than she appeared. “Perhaps, ShockWave, perhaps. I am just as determined as you are, however. We shall see how things fall out.”

Chastity rose and walked over to the door. After a second’s thought she turned around. “Perhaps RedKnightBishop wasn’t as foolish as I thought in his choice of a Queen. However, you are still a part of the Red Court and you reside in the Red Court’s Mansion. You would do well to keep that in mind.” With that Chastity turned and left. ShockWave collapsed into a chair and took a deep breath. That had gone better than she had worried. Still, life back in the world of all things Hellfire was going to be intense. ShockWave smiled to herself. That was alright. She loved a challenge, and living intensely was living life to the fullest. She knew she wouldn’t regret this. Here she would never be alone.