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Adoptive Name: Ashley Topwood
Real Name: David Booth
Codename: Radar
Title/Rank: Blue Dragoon
Alias: None
Age: 21 years old
Height: 6"3'
Weight: 170lbs
Eye Colour: Blue
Hair Colour: Sandy blonde
Skin Colour: White
Features: Short straight almost glowing hair which sometimes droops down over his left eye, baby blue eyes, round face, small nose and ears and strong chin.
Martial Status: Single
Religion: None
Nationality: American
Family Background: Adopted into the Topwood family, but now is aware that he is a member of the Royal House of the Booth Family of England.
Siblings: Kyle Eccleston, brother.
Offspring: None.
Current Residence: Blue Hellfire Club Castle, Burnley, England.
Former Residences: New York City, USA
Education: Received a standard, formal education. Received a degree in computing.
Financial Status: Stands to inherit his father's multi-billion dollar industry along with his brother, Shadow.
Occupation: Formerly book store clerk, now he is a member of the BLHC.
Former Occupation: Book store clerk.
Qualifications/ Skills: Degree in computing. He is good at target shooting. He has a good healthy physique and is quite agile.
Weapons: Pistol.
Other Equipment: Camera, Ammo Belts, Night Vision goggles, gadget watch.
Fashion Sense: He has a very modern taste and is always up to date with his styles.

Powers: He can sense things up to 200 feet away. This means he is usually over-alert. This is a mild form of telepathy, based mainly on elements, not people, although he can detect them. He has a high resistance to psychic powers and he can also glide. His last power is the abilty to latch onto walls for very short periods of time.
Fitness: He is in excellent condition for a man of his age, height and weight who engages in regular extensive exercise. Slightly stronger, faster and more agile than most men.
Duties Within The Courts: As the Blue Dragoon he is an assistant along with the Sentry to the Knight in making sure the BLHC and its members are safe.
History: When Steven Booth found out his wife Felicity Harvard was having an affair with his best friend, Joseph Ryan, he received an annulment. Felicity and Joseph were scheming to produce a child powerful enough to destroy Steven, and using some cells she derived from slapping Steven across the face, she became pregnant with two twin boys, who Joseph expected to raise and train to destroy Steven. But the child birth was complicated and Felicity died. The two twins were immediately put up for adoption.
Felicity found out she was an External and when she came to life her and Joseph went to look for her twin boys, but they only managed to locate Kyle, and didn't find David.
David however was adopted by a New York family, the Topwoods. He had a normal childhood, until his powers emerged. His father was a worker for the Steven Booth Mutant Research Facility and using his connections helped keep David's powers under control.
Whilst the PHC were battling an Illuminati demon, they came across David who was working in the bookstore where the fight exploded. He was injured and taken back to the PHC Castle for medical care. But the members soon realised the striking resemblance to Shadow, the Prince, and Steven scanned his mind only to find out it was his son. The two had a talk and David decided to become acquainted with his father and brother by staying on at the PHC, later re-named the BLHC.
Relationships: David is starting to develop a strong bond between himself and his father, Steven. He and Shadow are becoming fast friends, and David is also very friendly with Salvanza, Epyon and Morte. He has no romantic interests at this moment.
Personality: Calm, cool and collective, David takes the world and life in his stride. Popular with his teammates and friends (and the opposite sex!) he is the centre of all the parties and enjoys himself. Can be serious and commanding when the occasion arises.