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Full Name:Charlotte Lorelei Sometimes
Nickname: Rage
Nationality: British
Age: 19
Birthday: November 15, 1981
Birthplace: London, England
Physical Statistics: 5’8”, 130 lbs.
Hair Color/Style:
Normal – black, straight, and long;
Rage – blood red, straight and long
Eye Color/Shape:
Normal – large, round and grey
Rage – large, round and blood red
Voice Tone:
Normal – soft and shy until she gets to know you, then she can be rather loud when she really gets into what she’s talking about
Rage – doesn’t speak, just laughs rather maniacally
Personality: Goofy, sarcastic, cheesy humour and rather dry humour, has a tendency to be rather morbid, open minded, suffers from depression, easily irritated by stupidity and people she doesn’t like.
Martial Status/Significant Other: Single
Complexion, Scars, or Tattoos: Extremely pale, has a small red rose abdomen on the far right side. Has cross-shaped scars on both wrists from past suicide attempts; but they’re ALWAYS covered.
Grooming Very well groomed, almost prissy. Nails are always very well manicured
Movement. Posture: walks with a slight swagger
Gestures, Mannerisms: talks with her hands, runs her hands through her hair often, has a rather animated face. Blushes easily. Puts hands on hips and raises one hip when attempting to have an attitude.


Normal: Minor level telepath, can only read thoughts if direct at her, minor telekinesis, can heal others, but not herself, External.

Rage: Superstrength, lack of feeling of pain, only comes out when she feels extremely threatened or angry, attacks like a vampire.

Passive, Assertive, or Aggressive?: Passive until angered, then aggressive.
Stingy or Generous?: Generous
Positive or Negative?: Mostly pessimistic, but only when it comes to herself
How Does Character Feel about Others?: Generally afraid of people, but once she’s befriended her, you’re stuck with her for life.
Treat Others?: She’s very kind; treats others with the utmost respect, but hides large parts of who she is until she becomes from friends with them. When speaking with her you’ll look back and realize you told her things you didn’t really want to tell her, but she hasn’t told anything about herself, but this isn’t done on purpose.

Mother: Juliana Olympia Sometimes
Father: Jonathan Valhalla Sometimes
Siblings: None
Describe Family Homestead: A good sized flat in London
Family Atmosphere: Both mother and father were very loving.
Childhood Illnesses: Nothing major, chickenpox, stomach flu, slight case of pneumonia at the age of 5
Punishments: Sent to the bathroom; everything she played with was in her room so it didn’t make much sense to send her there.
Disposition: A very happy child, but has always struggled with depression which worsened with age.
Relationship today with Family and Siblings: She doesn’t see her parents very much, she was sent to live with her aunt in America after her third suicide attempt.

Special Friends: Met her best friend Malcolm at the age of 12
Special Talents: Her father taught her swordsmanship from the age of 10 up
Favorite Toys: A big white teddy bear with a red bow that she slept with as a child and has yet to give up
Favorite Treat: Anything Pineapple or chocolate with almonds; both still hold true
Favorite Memory: Her first concert. Went to see Depeche Mode with Malcolm at 15
Worst Memory: The morning after her first rage at the age of 16. She awoke covered in someone else’s blood and didn’t know how it got there.
Special Interests in School: History, especially Medieval and Egyptian.
Dating (First Kiss): Due to her shyness and fear of people she never really dated.
Events That Most Influenced as a Child: After seeing Walt Disney’s Alice in Wonderland at rather young age she has been left with an irrational fear of large green stemmed plants.

Describe Exterior: Blue Hellfire Club Castle and a recently acquired stone house in the mountains of central PA that resembles the house of The Addams Family
Describe Interior: Very gothic, Addams Family looking here again
Garden: a small window box herb garden, and red rose bushes in the yard.
Pets: A tabby cat with yellow eyes she named Mrs. Norris after reading the Harry Potter series

Length of Relationship/Why friends?

Mystikal – about a year, just because
Steven Booth – about a year, was first member of any HF court she met
Malcolm – about 7 years, many common interests

Satisfaction/Length of Occupation? Blue Queen, enjoys it

Colors: Mostly red, black, and red plaid, but does wear some green and blue. Types for Leisure: combat boots, a plaid skirt that comes right above her knees with fishnets, or big baggy torn up jeans, corduroy pants or khakis and either a t-shirt with a black button up over it or a large button up shirt with the black button up over it.
For work: black skirt and blouse and Mary Jane’s with white panty hose.
For Dressing Up: short black or red dress for semi-formal. Full-length black patent leather ball gown or full-length red satin dress for formal occasions. Enjoys dressing up because it makes her feel like a princess, but hates it because of how she looks. Always wears evening gloves to cover her wrists.
Personal Jewelry: a black ring with a red rose on it, silver bat earrings, and a silver pentagram on a silver chain.
Night wear: a large white men’s dress shirt
Swim wear: a red shiny triangle top bikini, but ALWAYS wears a big t-shirt over it
Coat: Full length black duster that hanges an inch above the floor and almost covers her finger tips
Coat: Very large black duster that practically swallows her whole and she refuses to go anywhere without

Pet Peeve: The pronunciation of library as liberry.
Advantages/Disadvantages: Loyal, but causes her to be reluctant to leave a bad situation. External, but hates it; she feels as though her endless existence makes her worthless. Knowing what Rage is capable of...and has done…she feels as though she is nothing more than a hideous monster.
Education and Training: Graduating from school in England.
Allergies: Penicillin and Aspirin
Car: 2001 Dodge Ram 3500 Quad Cab SLT PLUS 4x4 LWB, black leather interior with red seat belts, 4 speed automatic, 8.0L V10. Blood red exterior with black flames.
Driving Style/Tickets: Fast, but not dangerously fast. Power brakes and constantly gets yelled at for it.
Fragrance: Obsession or plain rose oil.
Smoke?: No
Hobbies: Archery, reading, Star Trek, Star Wars, acting in a small theatre troop
Religion: Wiccan
Flower: red rose
Favorite Book: The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy by: Douglas Adams
Favorite Magazine: Popular Science, The Smithsonian, or National Geographic
Favorite Movie/TV Show: Monty Python and the Holy Grail, The Star Wars Trilogy, any Star Trek movie. Watches a lot of Rock and Roll Jeopardy and regular Jeopardy, DBZ, and history documentaries
Favorite Actor/Actress: Kiefer Sutherland
Sports: Archery
Favorite Music: Heavy Metal, New Wave, and Classical, Specific bands: Nine Inch Nails, Fear Factory, Peter Gabriel, Depeche Mode, Stabbing Westward, Beck and many others
Instrument Played: Bagpipes, plays very well but doesn’t play around people…mostly due to the common dislike of the instrument and her lack of confidence in her abilities
Favorite Possession and Why: The ever-present trench coat. While she’s wearing it, it gives her a sense of security.
Last Vacation: Visiting Malcolm in London after leaving the Red Court
Favorite Kind of Entertainment: Music
Favorite Cartoon: Dragonball Z
Favorite Restaurant: Any Chinese
Favorite Foods: Lobster tail, Spicy chicken with orange peel, chocolate, pineapple
Foods Disliked: Peas, collard greens, spinach, peppers
Cravings: chocolate
Favorite non-alcoholic Drink: Pepsi
Alcoholic Drink: Amaretto sour, but drinks VERY rarely
Favorite Season: Winter; LOVES snow
Holiday: Halloween
Reaction to Another Birthday: has a tendency to forget about it
Send Christmas Cards/Type: Sends Happy Holiday cards
Remember Birthdays: Remembers those of those close to her
General Bed Time: around 3am
General Wake Up Time: around 2pm.

Ambitions: to learn all she can.
Values: Nothing is more important than love; whether it be between friends, family or lovers. Infidelity is inexcusable.
Short-term Goals: Coming to terms with Rage and her immortality
Long-term Goals: Finding love
Immediate Problems: Controlling Rage
Long-range Problems: Overcoming her depression
Shrewd or Naive: very naïve, but can set aside her emotions for pure logic.
How Does Character Feel About Self: She hates everything about herself.
What Does Character Do When Alone: Plays on her laptop, reads, plays bagpipes, and sings
What Is It About Self That Even Friends Don't Know: The extent of her depression.

Dominate: Sarcastic, kind, innocent, shy, depressed
Secondary: irritable, competitive

Is your character involved with a Hellfire Club at the moment? Yes
If yes, what rank? Blue Queen
What does this rank indicate in the Hellfire Clubs, what is your job? As Blue Queen I am incharge of all aspects of Club life and am second only to the King.
Has your character been in another Hellfire Club? Yes
If yes, what rank did your character hold? Red Queen, Grey Queen's Bishop.
Has your character been associated with any other groups? No