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Name: Unknown
Codename: Red Fox
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Country of origin: Republic of Ireland
Height: 6' 2"
Weight: 179lbs
Eye colour: Greyish green
Hair colour: Grey

Can change his DNA pattern to match a limited range of animals such as cats, dogs, mice, owls and African swallows so he transforms into them.

Born in the city Cork in Ireland he grew up a relatively good life. Once as a young child he was suspected of autism because he could not learn to speak until the age of six and before that showed symptoms. His parents saw him as an outcast of society because he started to act very strange he started to ask and plead even beg for dog or cat food for his dinner. Being very wealthy his father owned bloodhounds and horses for fox hunting, sometimes he would try and talk to the dogs to ask them to stop. At one point his father (being a very cruel man) thought his sons actions were just going too far and he got his dogs to chase him out of town. And so they did and he ran and he ran but they were too fast for him so he closed his eyes wished hard that he could become a bird and fly away from those disgusting creatures and when he opened his eyes again he was standing looking up and them with wings and feathers. He gathered all his might and flapped his wings up and down and before he knew it he was in the air. Then he found the Blue Court and they treated him fine (much to his disbelief.)

Distinguishing Features:
Has a row of small scars on his thighs and one above his eye from dog bites.