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Name: Rebecca Booth
Code Name: Scarlet Mistress.
Title/Rank: Princess, daughter of Prince Philip, great great great great great neice of Steven Booth, the Blue King. Cousin of Elle freebush, Purple Princess.
Alias: Princess Becca
Age: 16
Eye Colour: Brown
Hair Colour: LIGHT Brown
Skin Colour: Tan
Features: I have a scar in the shape of a butterfly on my right shoulder from when my parents limo was attacked by a fanatical madman.
Martial Status: Single (only 16)
Religion: Roman Catholic
Nationality: English
Family Background: English Royal Family.
Height: 5'3
Weight: 100Ilbs
Current Residence: Blue Hellfire Club Castle, England.
Former Residences: Saint James' Palace, England.
Education: Attended Eton, London, the highest level education in England.
Financial Status: Parents were millionaires, now that money has been passed onto her. Occupation: Student of the Blue Hellfire Club's school.
Former Occupation: Princess!
Mutant Powers:
Telepathy: I can read a person who isn't telepathic's mind and communicate with other telepaths. But that's about it.
Telekinethesis: I can move objects upto 50 tonnes with my mind and fly.
Phasing or intangible: Can turn into a 'ghost' whereas I can walk through anything. This can disrupt electrical systems.
Teleportation: Can appear and disappear at will. I have quite good control over this power.
Magical abilities: Is a beta class magician.
Fashion Sense: Good fashion sense, modern, but wears what she likes, does not follow others, but not a trend setter.