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Aquapyro is no more......only Shadow!

Once upon a time their lived a boy called Kyle Eccleston. Born into a wealthy Beverley Hills family. Kyle had a perfect life, and a prosperous future. Until he found out he was different. Until he found out he was a mutant!

His ability to control and manipulate, as well as generate water and fire (pryokinethesis and hydrokinethesis) made him an outcast from society. But as all things, life must go on. Concealing his mutant identity he continued his fairytale life. Eventually he met a breathtaking and magnificently beautiful girl, Casey Southern.
The two had a perfect life, attending all the best parties and engrossed in each other’s undying love. But fate had dealt them an unlucky card; it's menacing hand extinguishing their hopes and dreams like someone disregarding the unused flame of a candle.
After a night on the town, the giddy youngsters backed into an alley to embrace one another when they were confronted by three ruffians. They instinctively attacked the two, their over powering bodies crushing the lovers, their attack destroying their future. Kyle gave into temptation and unleashed his freakish gifts upon them. A strange figure appeared, a boy of the same age, and clearly gifted with some power. Between the united mutants, the threat the men caused was decimated.

But his princess girlfriend abandoned him, as human nature intends them to do. To exclude those different tot hem. Kyle was at the end of his tether, and it was about to be cut. But an ascended being clung tot he rope, reeling him in. For, unbeknown to Kyle, his ancestors had been members of the Beverley Hills Hellfire Club, as headed by the Black King, Steven Booth. This man relieved Kyle's problem, giving him his Grandfather's title: Black Rook.

At last, Kyle had found a place he belonged. Along with other mutants like him, he lapped up the rich life the Inner Circle had to offer. And he managed to perfect his abilities.

But his comfort bubble was about to burst. For the co-ruler of the grand establishment, the White King, was Joseph Ryan. He was a twisted and sinister mutant, who was soulless. After many arguments the kindly Black king left the Club behind and joined another Hellfire Club, based in Las Vegas.

Kyle and his fellow members feared for their lives as they uncovered a plot by the White King. The despicable man had butchered the parents of the Inner Circle, seizing the children's inheritance. He planned a familiar fate for them. But Epyon, who was the man who aided Kyle in the alley all that time ago, sought out the Black King.
Steven Booth was furious and took the members of the Inner Circle to his new Club and enrolled them as hellions. He seized all assets of the Club and restored them tot heir rightful owners.

Kyle enjoyed his Court life, mingling with new friends. He was even enrolled int eh Black Hellfire Club's Dragonfire Team. But, too much of a good thing is bad. The strain and pressure built up on him tot he point where he needed to escape. His emotions were echoed by his former allies, Ian Fitzroy and Salvatore, both members of the Beverley Hills Club. They decided to retreat to Canada for a while.

But the alcoholic ian Fitzroy crashed the car, killing Aquapyro and Salvatore. Secretly, the Red King and Red Bishop brought them back to life. Kyle decided to head off and see the world, which was granted by the Red Bishop.

Whilst in an ancient monastery in China, Kyle came across an elderly mage, who gave him the Gem of Zywanda. The moment Kyle touched the gem he merged with the mystical energy inside it and gained a newfound ability: dark magic. Stripped of his hydrokinethesis and pryokinethesis, Kyle was re-enforced with these marvellous abilities.

He has since returned to the ranks of the Hellions, but his attitude and personality have changed. His friend and mentor, Steven Booth, still seeks the knowledge of Kyle's transformation and the effect it is having on his... SOUL!