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New York Watchers

It was the beginning of winter and everyone in New York was buying Christmas presents for his or her loved ones. It was that time of year when everyone just relaxed and looked forward to their Christmas holidays, but for some people, they have to work and save the world at the same time. Peter and Kyle were told by J. Jonah Jameson that they had to get an article ready for the Christmas edition of the Daily Bugle. It had to be about Spider-Man and Shadow, and as Mr. Jameson hated the two heroes, he was always waiting until they slipped up. Peter and Kyle had no problem in the task because of them being Spidey and Shadow, and they had the article done for Jonah in a few days.
After the months past of Felicia Hardy’s death, Peter Parker and Mary Jane moved in with Kyle and Porscha and became good friends. Porscha knew that she and Mary Jane would hit it off straight away so they went for modeling. They both jobs as professional models for different companies. They had found out about their husbands, and how they told them not to worry, they both led happy and peaceful lives.
It was the 20th December and the five more days until Christmas, Spider-Man and Shadow were very busy with crime fighting but as they both knew, Christmas is one of the busy seasons. As the 5 days remained, the story unwinds:
Peter woke up from his warm bed, walked into Kyle’s room, he nudged his friend, and as Kyle just gave out a yawn, Peter walked into the bathroom. He got showered and went into a private section to only Shadow and he knew about. Kyle waited until Peter had got ready and did the same.
Shadow flew out of the window as Spider-Man swung out, they both scoured the city, looking for any disruptions and that is when they saw a helpless women, being mugged. They both swooped down to assist in her aid but the burglar had already got her hang-bag and fled. Spider-Man told Shadow to comfort the women as he swung off to capture the criminal. The mugger was running towards the pier, and as Spider-Man was hot on his tail, he came to the edge of it. He had no way out and as the mugger was looking nervous, Spider-Man thought that he could not swim. He came closer to the mugger and as Spider-Man had created a crowd of people, the mugger stood, shaking on the wooden pier. Spidey swung towards the pier and as he came closer, the mugger jumped forward to make Spidey hit him. The mugger went falling to the ground, citizens of New York gasped at what they saw, they could not believe that the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man could hit a man. Spidey was shocked at what the mugger did, he back away from the pier. He did not know why the mugger did such a stupid thing, but suddenly, his spider-sense went crazy and from out of nowhere, the mugger transformed into the Hobgoblin. Spidey was horrified now and as he knew many people were watching him, the Hobgoblin would do anything to kill him. Spidey made all the people move and as he swung off to find Shadow, the Hobgoblin chased after him. The crowds were puzzled at what Spider-Man was doing, they could not see a thing, and as their hero fled, they saw the mugger escape.
The Hobgoblin was chasing after Spidey, but as no one could see him, he was left alone. Shadow looked high in the sky when he spotted his friend, but as he shouted for him, Spider-Man just swung faster and faster away from him. Shadow had already called for the police and as they had just arrived, he flew off, after Spider-Man. He was right behind him now but Spidey’s mind was fixed on the image of the Hobgoblin, and as he thought that Shadow was his old enemy, he turned around and punched the Hobgoblin. Shadow was knocked out and as he fell, Spiderman saw as the Hobgoblin flew away on his glider. Spider-Man, sweating vigorously, was able to see his friend plunging down towards the ground. He shot out a web and as Shadow became closer to the ground, the web was getting closer to him. It had just caught Shadow and Spidey was able to pull him back up.
Shadow and Spider-Man went on top of the Brooklyn Bridge, and as Shadow wanted to know why Spidey panicked, he revealed a dark secret that Peter could keep closed until now. It was eight years ago, a 1-year after Norman Osborn had been impaled on his own glider, and as Harry Osborn was all alone, he had an outfit made for him. It was the costume of the Hobgoblin, and knowing that Harry Osborn had been jealous of Peter Parker since he and Mary Jane got married, he tried to kill Peter’s beloved Aunt May. He might have succeeded if Peter had not of come home as soon after his work. He was able to save his Aunt but as he revealed that the person behind the mask was his good-friend Harry, he could not understand why he would do such a terrible act. Harry was able to escape and as he left a wounded woman he swore that next time, he would succeed! Peter took this in account and as he worried for his aunt’s life, he devoted his abilities to fight crime on to stopping the evil and mentally disturbed Hobgoblin. In this time Harry murdered Dr. Walters, a good friend of Peter and as this followed on, he knew that he was killing the friends he had. Peter had to put a stop to this insane plot or else he might lose his loved ones as well. They met on Empire State Building and as they both were full of anger, they had a fight in, which had Harry fall to his death. Peter blamed his death on himself on the account of that he married Mary Jane, the women Harry loved, and was the last person to see his father get impaled by his own glider. Harry thought that the Amazing Spider-Man had killed his beloved father. Peter knew that it if it were not for him, nothing like this would have happened. Peter had shared a nightmare he had been getting since the day of Harry’s death. Shadow finally found out why his friend panicked and as he thought that it was best for him to get some rest, they both returned to the apartment. Peter slept as Shadow went out into the night. Suddenly, Shadow saw a man in an orange cloak, upon a purple glider. This was the strangest thing Shadow had ever seen in the whole of his career in crime fighting, but as the stranger had just smashed a window and was robbing it, he flew down to grab the burglar. As he got closer, Shadow was able now to uncover the face of the thief. He grabbed the orange cloak and saw the face of the thief; he lost contact with his powers and fell to the ground. He looked up in fear as the face came into the light, the thief pulled a knife from his green belt and as he was about to enter it into Shadow’s body, Spider-Man plunged down and foiled the burglars attempt to murder Shadow. The strange character was the evil Hobgoblin, and as Shadow was still in fear and could not move, Spider-Man chased after his once killed enemy. The Hobgoblin flew off on his glider with Spider-Man following him; they flew and swung all through New York. They went through every street, went around every corner and that is when the Hobgoblin was trapped in a dark alley. Spider-Man had his archenemy trapped and knowing he had to discover who was behind the hideous mask, he leapt towards the Hobgoblin. He shot out impact webbing that was able to blow up the goblin glider, and then he shot out his new source of webbing, which was made of glucose and nitrogen. This combined had a sticky effect that could trap anyone to anything. It caught the Hobgoblin, and as the person fell to the ground, Spidey walked towards his evil foe. He moved his hand towards the Hobgoblin and grabbed the mask, he ripped it off and as Shadow had just spotted the two, he came down to see what was going on. Spider-Man looked curious at the person beneath the mask, it was a woman. Shadow ran towards Spidey and the Hobgoblin and as Spider-Man back away, Shadow could see the person behind the mask. He gasped at the woman and in the reason why; it was Chastity, member of the White Hellfire Club.
Shadow and Spider-Man picked Chastity up and as she knew who Shadow was, she came with them quietly. They went to Spider-Man’s old apartment, it was old now and broke down, but it had a secret area to where Spider-Man used to stay when in danger. They began to talk about why Chastity Darkholme had come to New York City and as the Hobgoblin. She began to tell her old friend ‘Shadow’ of why she came and in doing so, she told him a confidential secret. She had been assigned to investigate murders in New York, which after some time had been found out to be old friends of the White Queen. When she arrived in New York, she thought out the murderer and was able to capture him. He was taken to the White Court Castle where something mysterious happened to him, but as she stayed in New York, the previous murderer told her that she would find clues in the old, abandoned Oscorp factory. She went there and encountered a passageway where she found the hideous costume of the Hobgoblin as well as the goblin bombs and goblin glider. However, she walked onto a platform that had once turned Jason Macendale in the Hobgoblin. The machine was automatic by whoever compressed the platform against pressure switches that turned on the computer. A force field showered down on Chastity and as painful as it was transformed her into the Hobgoblin. She became alone, frightened at what people would think, and this made her drive herself in a mental state. She was able to control the evil mind of the Hobgoblin but after she left New York, the Hobgoblin brought her back and made her pure evil. Shadow comforted his friend and as Spider-Man knew that the mind of the Hobgoblin would come back, he asked for that Chastity would be put in a safe place, away from anything that could make her stretch her anger. They took her to the BLHC castle where she stayed to regain her mind and strength but, as Steven Booth (AKA the Purple King) was quite unsure about her welcome, he had a close eye watching her all the time. Shadow and Spider-Man returned to New York to fight a new breed of villains, the infamous Eagle and Katrina. These were the previous Kat Williams and Richard Denvin from the team ‘In the Shadows.’ They had joined to destroy Shadow because of what he did to them.
When the two heroes returned to New York, they were eager to clear up New York and they did. They put an end to Eagle and Katrina reign, and as Katrina is slowly going into madness, Eagle had committed suicide months later in WaterShore High prison. Shadow had been informed of the tragedy and blamed himself for Richard’s death. Spider-Man told his friend that no one is to blame for another person’s suicide, it is his or her own fault. This eased Shadow a little but he and Spidey had other things on their minds now.
Chastity had let the Hobgoblin control her, Steven was unable to stop it from happening and as the Hobgoblin reeked through the BLHC castle, she destroyed part of the West Wing. This was Shadow’s wing but nothing was able to stop the Hobgoblin. Spider-Man knew that he would return to New York in search of killing Spidey. Shadow and Spider-Man awaited the return of their evil foe and just as he predicted, the hobgoblin returned.
Porscha and Mary Jane had been informed that the Hobgoblin was back in the city, but nothing was to happen until Porscha and Mary Jane’s life was in great need. Shadow and Spider-Man set off to find their loved ones but as they got closer, they saw that a new structure of metallic boards had been placed from one of the Twin Towers to another. They knew this could not just be faint, so they swung and flew upwards to the top of the Twin Towers. They arrived on the top, and as they saw their lovers, hanging from the metallic board, they were eager to rescue them. That’s when suddenly, the Hobgoblin showed up on its glider. The two heroes were going to turn into the two zero’s if they were not able to rid the Hobgoblin out of Chastity’s body. Mary Jane and Porscha looked frightened, as if they had seen hell, and as Spider-Man fought off their foe, Shadow was trying to free Porscha and Mary Jane. However, the Hobgoblin was able to fire his latest bomb that could rap around any person to make them non-moveable. He shot it at Spider-Man whom unfortunately was caught by it. Shadow was just trying to free the women when he saw Spider-Man fly right past him. He left Porscha and Mary Jane still hanging but he had too, if he was able to save Spider-Man. The Hobgoblin started giving out a horrific laugh that had Shadow frightened. However, he was still proceeding after his friend and was able to catch him. That is when Shadow and Spider-Man saw their lovers on their last thread, the Hobgoblin had had a hold of them, and as he spoke out to Shadow and Spidey, there was no time to save them now, either if they were to get to the top of the Twin Towers. Shadow spoke out a spell that made Spider-Man able to move again, but as they tried to make the Hobgoblin not to have them fall to their death, Mary Jane had slipped through the rope and was heading towards the ground. The Hobgoblin shot out non-moveable balls and these caught hold of Spider-Man and Shadow. They fell towards the ground as well as Mary Jane who had no help now. Spidey and Shadow plunged into a deep pond and that of making them non-moveable; they could easily drown to death. Porscha pleaded with the Hobgoblin not to kill Mary Jane and as he went soft, he caught hold of her instead.
Luckily, the non-moveable bombs were vulnerable to water and this made Spider-Man and Shadow free to move. Shadow grabbed Spidey and they both flew out of the pond. Shadow knew that the only way to get hold of his wife and Mary Jane was to teleport right next to the Hobgoblin, or better yet, to land on the glider. Spider-Man awaited results from the teleportion and that of caching any of the people who fell. Shadow jumped into the air and curled into a ball, this made him teleport. It had worked, Shadow had landed on the goblin glider and was able to rescue his Porscha and Mary Jane, but as Shadow could not just let Chastity down, he grabbed a hold of her and as the goblin glider hurled towards the Brooklyn Bridge he took her to Dr. Connors.
Spider-Man took his wife and Porscha back to the apartment while Shadow went to Dr. Connors to treat Chastity. It was 24 December now and as this would make Shadow and Chastity’s day, Dr. Connors was able to treat her and cure her of the Hobgoblin. Chastity was normal again and as she would miss Christmas if she returned to the White Court castle, she shared Christmas with Kyle Eccleston (Shadow), Peter Parker (Spider-Man), Porscha Rushmore and Mary Jane. They had an enjoyable Christmas Eve and had a huge part on Christmas day. Chastity felt like her old self again and now that she felt joyful and cared for, she remained in New York for some time. She returned to her position as White Queen’s Pawn/Assassin.
Shadow and Chastity became good friends and still keep in touch with each other, but as the Hobgoblins spirit will come back in time, Chastity, Shadow and Spider-Man will come to together to stop the person in need if it should inherit another persons body.

The End! In memory of September 11th We still pray for the people who died on that tragic day.