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Name: Mademoiselle Elle Cartier (Although she is referred to as Elle Freebush)
Codename: Storm
Title/Rank: Storm is Blue Princess.
Alias: Mother Nature, Goddess of Elements and Queen of Nature.
Age: Storm is 21 Years Old. (Pisces)
Height: Storm stands at ‘5”9’.
Weight: 100 Pounds.
Eye Colour: When her Powers are active her eyes turn white in colour. When her powers are not active her ayes are naturally Crystal Blue.
Hair Colour: Mostly White, but changes in Storm’s tastes may cause them to change.
Skin Colour: Tanned White.
Features: Storm has a tattoo on the skin near her shoulder blade. It represents all natural elements; Earth, Wind, Fire and Water. She also has a very distinctive hourglass figure. She has long white hair attracts attention.
Martial Status: Storm never likes to concentrate on relationships to often as it distracts her from her work. She has many male friends and likes to date.
Religion: Storm has no religion.
Nationality: Storm was born in England, but her foster parents are French and when she was adopted they moved her to France to live with them. Storm holds a French passport, so she is considered French.
Family Background: Unbeknown to herself or much of the Royal Family she is the daughter of crowned Prince Philip. Her mother died at childbirth, she was adopted at a young age and she lived with the Cartier Family.
Siblings: Storm has no known brothers or sisters.
Current Residence: Storm has many residences all over the world, but she stays residence at the Blue Hellfire Court Castle in England.
Former Residences: Storm stayed with her parents in Paris in a mansion in St. Lucas Boulevard.
Education: Storm went to school in Paris for a brief period where her favorite subject was French. Although she has never achieved and nationally recognizable qualifications, she is very intelligent.
Financial Status: Storm is extremely rich with a personal back balance of Millions.
Occupation: She will one day inherit her parents business, ‘Cartier Jewelers’ at present she is Vice President to the company. She is responsible for all the new designs that the Cartier designers come up with, she is head of finance for the company. Storm is also very well known in the fashion industry. She has her own well known design ‘STORM’ a very elaborate design of clothes are produced by her and all the catwalks have her designs. She is very successful and has many partners and connections in the fashion industries.
Qualifications/ Skills: Storm never did achieve qualifications, but she is very intelligent. Her English skills are brilliant and she teaches English at the PHC Hellions Academy.
Fashion Sense: Because of her ties in the Fashion Industry, Storm is never seen drab dressed or dull. She always wears modern trouser suits much of which is of Gucci design.
Powers: Storm has the ability to control all the natural forces. Earth, Wind, Fire and Water. She can use her powers in any way she wishes. Many people believe that she is the most powerful of her kind. Earth: Storm likes to use this element to cause great damage to structures or buildings. She normally causes volcanic eruptions or earthquakes. She uses this force in combat to shudder and damage the apposing teams battlements.
Wind: Storm usually uses this elemental when there are flying objects around. She could send planes off course or damage large structures. Although she does not often use this ability, when she does it causes much damage.
Fire: Storm is very powerful when it comes to using fire. She can cause large amounts of heat, or use it like a flamethrower. She can weaken the apposing team using this power.
Water: Storm does not often use this element. When she does however she can cause great damage. She can cause water tornados or tidal waves. This is a one of Storm’s very strong elements.
Fitness: I combat Storm is very active. She is trained in Martial Arts so at no point is she defenseless. Her fitness is very good, she takes regular exercise in order to maintain a good physique.
Skills: Storm does not totally depend upon her powers. She likes to hurt her assailants using the Martial Arts training she has.
Duties Within The Courts: As Blue Princess Storm is Chief Assistant to the Queen and will act as her emissary and other such things. She will speak with the Queen regularly to discuss BLHC matters.
History: It was the year 1981, and Prince Philip Windsor was attending a horse race. When he returned to his room in the Palace of Buckingham, he and the maid were intimate. Nine months later Storm was born, at Kensington Gardens Maternity Clinic. Storm’s biological mother died at childbirth. She was immediately placed up for adoption. Later the famous Cartier families were looking for a child to adopt and they happily adopted Storm. She went to France, where she went to school and earned many friends. At the age of 15 Storm became very rebellious, she refused to do anything that she was told. She held a party at her Mansion in England, where she was Kidnapped by the MFM (Mutants For Mutants) she sided with them. The MFM were planning to assassinate a leading figure in the School of Mutation, Steven Booth. When battle commenced she was hurt. Steven saw her and took her in. Storm decided to side with the PHC. Steven made her Purple Scribe where she was in that role for about a month. She then was placed in as Princess. She is maintaining contact with her parents.
Relationships: Storm has many friends within the HFC. Storm’s best friend is Morte. She is very good friends with all the members of the PHC, she is also known to have personal relationships with the Royalty from other HFC’s. Storm has no serious relationships to call for but she is often asked out on dates.
Personality: Storm is not at all secretive. She is very loud and fun to get along with. She is very snobby, and stuck-up. She can be a very affectionate lady. People find it comforting to express their troubles to Storm, knowing that it is complete confidentiality.
Interest: Storm likes to keep an eagle eye on her figure. She takes regular trips to the gym in order to keep fit. She loves to shop and likes to make new friends.