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Testing the Water *HF* by Shockwave

Beep, Beep, Beep… A loud insistent beeping sound broke through into her consciousness. ShockWave groaned and sat up in bed, shutting off her alarm clock. “I hate mornings,” she muttered to herself. As soon as she was dressed she was feeling very cheerful, but that brief moment of awakening was an unpleasant sensation that most sensible people disliked. ShockWave glanced around the room as she braided her hair. RedKnightBishop, or Steven Booth as he graciously said she could call him, had taken her to the Red Court’s Las Vegas Mansion and had given her a small room suited to her tastes. A quick tour when she had arrived the night before had shown her where everything she could possibly need would be found. She was particularly interested in the teleportation devices that would allow her to visit the other Courts and re-establish contact with a few old acquaintances. First thing was first though, breakfast!
After breakfast, ShockWave accessed one of the Red Mansion’s computer databases. “Let’s find out who’s who and who’d where,” she said to herself. With so many gone and so many dead she had no idea how the Hellfire Clubs stood. The BHCers were still mostly people she knew however. ShockWave decided that she would visit her old haunting ground first. If she faced the memories now, it would be better later. She headed for the teleportation chamber. New York, New York would be her first stop. “If I can make it there, I’ll make it anywhere,” she sang to herself with a wry grin.
The BHC Mansion was different. It had had to be rebuilt, of course, but the feel of the place was different too. She noticed it as soon as she walked in the door. Memories didn’t linger in these walls. They all held the touch of the new King. His mischievous sense of humor was subtly hidden in some of the decorating motifs. ShockWave smiled and then turned the corner and bumped right in to the Black King. “Ummm… Hello!” said DarkWolf blinking at her. “Goodness, I didn’t think ghosts of the past would wander the halls of a new building.” ShockWave rolled her eyes. “You can tell by my scent that it’s me, Justin” she laughed. He gave her a great big bearhug. “Welcome back, Shocky!” “Watch the hands, Highness,” said ShockWave batting him playfully as she pulled away. “Can’t help myself,” said the Slayer with a wolfish grin. “You haven’t changed,” ShockWave said with a grin. “Are you going to be re-joining our ranks?” DarkWolf asked. “I don’t know yet,” ShockWave said honestly. “I’m just going to cruise through the courts getting a feel for my place again. But I am planning on re-joining Hellfire in one form or another.”
At the White Mansion, Khalid was at the piano letting his fingers dance across familiar tunes. He didn’t notice anyone come in, but as he played Shubert’s Ave Maria a voice chimed in singing the words that went with the tune. Khalid didn’t turn, but kept playing until the end of the piece. The singer didn’t have a spectacular voice, but it was pretty. When the piece came to an end he turned and was looking into the green eyes of a beautiful woman with long red hair. Two tale-tale green streaks running down the front revealed who she was. “ShockWave! I didn’t know you were back! Didn’t know you could sing either…” She grinned and sat next to him on the piano bench. “I just got back. I can’t really sing too well, but I was taking voice lessons at college. I really enjoy getting to sing with piano accompaniment even though I know my voice isn’t the most spectacular.” Her green eyes sparkled with mirth at surprising the young pianist and delight at seeing him again, even though they had never known eachother very well it was still nice to see and old familiar face. “It was very pretty,” he said referring to her singing. She blushed. “I don’t normally do that, but I couldn’t resist singing along to such wonderful music. Do you know if Gomurr is about today?” she asked, changing the subject. “I haven’t seen the wrinkled ol’ dwarf all day,” said Khalid. “We can check his study though if you’d like.” Khalid ended up giving ShockWave a tour of the Mansion and talking with her about old times, but Gomurr wasn’t to be found. “Guess he isn’t in today,” Khalid said. “Tell him I stopped by to see him then,” ShockWave said with a smile. “I’ll see you around, Khalid. Thanks.” She gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and left. Khalid went back to the piano wondering if and how things would change now that ShockWave had returned.
ShockWave ran into Daemon quite by accident. She was walking out of the White Mansion when she bumped into him as he headed in on some business. “ShockWave, nice to see you,” he said with a faint nod of the head. “Hello Daemon, how are you?” she asked politely. As she looked him over she thought of the great power housed within his frame and the time she had absorbed it bringing the roof down on the Iluminati during the evil events of the new millenium. That had been right before she left. Being around mutants again after so long made her skin tingle with all the energy surrounding her. Memories of all the energy Daemon had at his disposal made her glad to be back. She missed really using her powers and stretching her limits. At the same time she was somewhat surprised at the new awareness she had gained from being away so long. The energies housed in her mutant companions were more readily evident and she could sense them easier. When she had first used some of Daemon’s energies she had been surprised at the strength of them. Now she could feel them pulsing within him. “I am doing well enough. Good to see you back,” Daemon said before rushing off to attend to the business that brought him there.
ShockWave returned to the Las Vegas Mansion and indulged in a long danger room session. Afterwards she felt even more energized than before, ready to take on the world and glad that she was back. “This is where I belong,” she said to herself. Though perhaps not this mansion specifically she added in thought. Flynn Ryan was King here. He had always been the Red King. He had shown throughout the years a greater lack of scruples than any other member of the Hellfire organization and she knew that she’d never trust him. ShockWave headed back to the computer room for more research into what the Club’s had been doing since she left. When she got there, the room was not empty. Sitting in a chair in front of one of the consoles was a young mutant. Even though he was sitting, ShockWave could tell that he was very tall. The handsome young man turned to look at her as she entered. He had very attractive blue-green eyes and he looked at her curiously. The energy patterns that ShockWave sensed from the young man where fascinating. “My name is ShockWave,” she said to him, stepping boldly forward and extending her hand. “Epyon,” the young mutant replied slightly flustered. “I’m a returning member of the Hellfire organization,” ShockWave told him. “Are you a student here or part of one of the courts?” Thomas Bennett smiled at the friendly and beautiful young woman that stood before him. “I was part of the Red Court, but I’m a Hellion now,” he said. ShockWave sat down at a console next to his. “Do you like it here?” Epyon thought for a moment. “I do like it here. I’m learning a lot.” “Do mind if I ask you about your powers, Epyon? I command the energy spectrum, and I sense interesting energy patterns in you. I’d love to study you!” she blurted out. Epyon blushed and ShockWave laughed. “Sorry! I didn’t mean it quite like that. I’m a pretty straightforward person and I don’t always think through all the connotations of what I say sometimes. We’ve just met and this is a purely professional interest,” she said with a sparkle in her eyes that showed how she couldn’t resist flirting playfully with him just a little bit.
RedKnightBishop sat back at his desk and smiled to himself. He had monitored ShockWave’s day, though he hadn’t come in contact with her since last night. He liked what he saw. Steven Booth was the sort that really did his research on a person. Before he had gone to California he had read all the files on ShockWave and even gotten his hands on some of Gomurr’s notes from when she had been a Hellion. He now saw that she had a strong code of morality but was a strong determined young woman. Her danger room session showed that she hadn’t lost touch with her powers and was still as adept as ever. He hadn’t probed her mind too deeply, the young woman had a constant field of psi energy about her that would tell her if anyone attempted to delve too deep, but what he saw was very promising. A good head on her shoulders, a strong and happy spirit that wouldn’t be pushed around, and she was a tasteful dresser as well. All qualities that Steven Booth appreciated. He had made a good choice, he thought congratulating himself. ShockWave would be perfect…