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Name: Tobias Hale
Age: 14, although everyone says she looks and seems older
Height: 5'4 (5'7"-8" with boots)
Weight: None of your damned buisness! (OK, OK, 107 //wince//)
Hair: Naturally light brown/dark blonde, currentlly dyed maroon-ish red, with bright red highlights, usually pulled into a ponytail with wisps hanging down in front of her face
Eyes: light green, always has dark black eyeliner on. I'd rather be dead than without it. Eyebrow stud over her left eye.
Other Appearance: Pale, with a tan undertone (i.e Italian vampire, not Irish looking :-() wears a couple chain chokers, one with a small padlock on it. Basically wears anything ripped, written on, or vintage. White teeshirt with a sarcastic saying written on the front, combat boots,faded jeans with a dozen large rips, and occasionally the plaid sports coat with patches and buttons is a basic wardrobe. Fit, re: plays football, lifts weights, does basic yoga in spare time, when not watching Jerry Springer or at shooting ranges (she's usually practicing)
Mutation: Can manipulate an object's light reflectuing patterns to change it's color and luster temporarily. Hates using this because it leaves her dizzy and euphoric.
History: Pretty much normal, aside from constant therapy. Father is in Valhala County Correctional Facility due to domestic violence when she was younger, but this doesn't effect her presently.
Personatlity: Manic-depressive, more manic than depressed. Pretty likeable and very witty, if she likes you. If she doesn't, watch out. Always has something to say. Has violent anger outbursts, which are pretty damned destructive. Get her pissed and nothing stands in her way, but if she likes ya, nothing will get in yours either.
Likes: Guns. Lemonheads. Cars. Nirvana. Rain. Things that squish. Music. Tangy. Mr T. Buddah. Teletubbies. Self contradiction. Plaid. Tim Burton. Irony. Thrift stores. Film festivals. Black and White. The word 'Parasitic'. Knives. Top hats. Dead Men((Long story)) My People. Techno music. Hendrix. Graffiti. Various illegal and unspeakable items...//cough cough// Gummybears. Sin. Snakes. Rodents. Ren and Stimpy. Spiders. Trashy talk shows. Old school punk music. Billiards. Politics. Guns.
Dislikes: Rap.'New school punk'. the Lifetime Channel. THE OLSEN TWINS. The-rapists. 'Trendie because I'm not' people. Teletubbies. Steryotypical people. Purple. Little Kids. Sensitive people. Emo kids. Clingy people. Your People. Just People. E.T. Salad. Vanilla Ice cream. Pop music.
Other: Is a cutter. And the Blue Paladin. Well physically trained, and good with firearms of all sorts. has an obsession with combat, and a strong hate for military. A thoughtful anarchist, doesn't bullshit around with her beliefs.