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Monet’s *HF* 30+ Story Challenge by Waya

As David got out of bed to get dressed he tried not to wake Waya. He always tried let her sleep as long as her body would allow her. He had to go to work or he would still be in bed with her. As he was buttoning his shirt he felt her bite him playfully on the shoulder.
“Did you think you were leaving without me knowing” Waya glared at him with a half smile on her face. Even after 26 years of marriage she still loved him as much as the when they were first marriage. And God, she loved to aggravate him.
“I would love to stay, but you know I have to get to work, and you have a meeting with Morte so you need to get up and get dressed soon.” David reminded his wife.
“But you don’t have to be at work for quite a while and you know I can’t sleep unless you are with me.” Waya stated almost pouting.
Before David could reply Waya put her arms around his neck and placed her lips on his.
When she finally released him, he just sighed.
“I will just have to beg my boss for forgiveness” he said as he picked Waya up and returned to the bedroom. The day had moved by so slowly, Waya thought as she headed for the front door. If she was late for her own daughters 22 birthday party she would never forgive herself and neither would David. She ran to her car and noticed that David was already in the driver seat. “I thought I was supposed to pick you up not the other way around?”
“I knew you would be late so after I begged for forgiveness about being late, I asked off 30 minutes early so I could pick you up.”
Waya just smiled and got in the car.

Waya walked through the door of her daughter’s apartment and was greeted by a man that looked exactly like David except he had short spiked up punk hair. Out of the two children Cody was the only one to join the court. Waya was happy that her son wanted to be in the court but at the same time did not like the idea of him being in danger. “Mom, you’re actually on time?” her son said with a look of shock on his face. “I wish I could take the credit for that, but you father made sure I was on time.”
Cody just laughed at gave his mother a kiss on the cheek.
“Where is my birthday girl?” David inquired. He could not wait a moment long to give her little girl her present.
“She is over by the kitchen door.” Cody directed him to the back of the living room.
“Who has showed up so far?” Waya asked before Cody could run off to talk to his girlfriend.
“My Addams family aunt is here. But I am not really sure where.”
Waya found Charlotte in the far corner of the room, as usual with Malcolm on her arm. Their son was sitting in a chair next to the wall with his shoulder-length black hair hanging down in his face. “Char how did you actually beat me here?”
“I wasn't as late as I was expected to be. Where's your male counterpart?”
“He could not wait any longer to give her the gift we got her. He wanted to give it to her a week ago. I had to hide it on him so he won’t.”
A girl with dark make-up, long beautiful black hair, dressed in a plaid shirt, and a tight black flannel, wrapped her arms around Waya nearly cutting her air off. “Mom, you made it on time. I am so proud of you.” Kyna aided with a look that told Waya that she was trying to annoy her.
“I am guessing that your father has already found you.”
“Yup. He went to get a drink from the kitchen.”
“I thought you where my child.”
“I am.” Kyna looked at her mother in confusion.
“Then why do you dress like Charlotte.” Waya turned her attention Char “I should have not of allowed her to hanging with you so much.”
David came up behind Waya and put his arms around her waist propping his chin on her shoulder. “Your son wants to ask a favor of you?”
“Really. And what does OUR son want from his mother?
“He wants to barrow your car to pick up Ben.”
Waya was not real fond of her son’s best friend. He was always in mixed up with gangs and did not try to get out. “No way. The last time Cody drove my car was when he drove it straight into a ditch and have you seen how he drives that car of his. I want to keep it in one piece.”
“Hey, he just asked me to ask you. Don’t shoot the messenger.”
“Besides I am not a taxi service.”
“Then you can drive.” Cody said as he came out of hiding.
“Why can’t you get him or let him take a taxi?” “My car is in the shop and he does not have the money. Please mom.” Giving her the saddest look Cody could muster.
Waya just signed. “I hate it when you do that. Get in the damn car, IN THE PASSENGERS SEAT.” She yelled after him as he ran to the car. Waya kissed David good-bye and said she would be back soon.

Waya sat in the car as Cody ran in to get his friend. She sat singing along with the music when she heard a shot come from inside the house. She jumped out of the car to see what had happened. As she approached the door her son had went into, two tall men ran out and pushed past her. Not sure of what was going on she quickly opened the stranger’s door only to find Ben leaning over her son’s bleeding body.
“What happened?” Waya screamed as she rushed to Cody’s side.
“They shot him. They thought he would rat on them and they shot him.” Ben tried to explain.
“Hurry and get help before he bleeds to death. Call Kyna’s house and tell her to get over here now.” Waya said through her tears trying to stay calm but not succeeding. Knowing that he would not survive the trip to the hospital his sister was his only chance. She placed her hands over the hole in her son’s chest trying to stop the bleeding.
As Ben went to get help, Waya prepared herself to feel Cody’s pain for him. She lmost screamed as the pain ran through her body. At that moment she remembered the two men that ran from the house, and knew that they had shot her son. “I will make them pay for this.” Waya thought say she fought to keep Cody alive until Kyna could heal him.