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Real/Given Name: Amiral Essou
Age: 21 – 26
Birthday: February 24
Xeus is 5’8 tall, has light brown eyes and skin color. He has a well-toned body, His arms and legs are light muscled and he has a big butt. The hair on his head is dark brown of color, thin and curly. Xeus has a high chest and a small round head. He has a low voice. Xeus has a small round nose and a medium mouth. His ears are also of medium size and his eyes are small and oval. Xeus weight is 88 kilo’s
Xeus is a little different from your average male. He can sometimes be very closed and other times very open. He can also be very timid but on other occasions he can be very direct and confronting. He is sometimes kind of childish but can also be very mature for his age. Most of the time it depends in what kind of mood he is in. Xeus acts upon how he feels. He is very impulsive and can be as stubborn as a mule. Xeus has a mind of his own and lacks in taking the initiative and being disciplined and responsible. This is because he’s still insecure for his age. He tries to hide that and a lot of other things as well. He has leader capabilities but he has to work on the things he lack and needs the proper training. Xeus can be very moody. When Xeus gets angry it’s like a volcano is erupting. You’d better stay away then because he will attack everyone who’s in the neighborhood and yell at them. Xeus is a romanticist. He is very dreamy and has a lot of imagination. He is very creative. He likes to dance and sing. He also likes to entertain people. Xeus can be very joyous and enjoyable but there is a dark side to him and sometimes that can get the overhand. Xeus is also very loyal, trustworthy and a good friend and listener. He gives good advice sometimes even when it’s not needed.
Mutant Powers: 1. Xeus his main power is shoot of any type and sort of energy with his eyes, mouth and hands. When he shoots of energy just before it comes out you hear a very strong and loud thundering.
2. His second power is that he can see all sorts and types of energy with his eyes
3. Xeus actually contains a rare piece of an elemental entity’s power that can make him look greater and stronger than anyone ever has seen before. His powers are still developing and since the elemental entity’s power hasn’t manifested itself Xeus hasn’t come to his full potential.
4. For the rest Xeus has normal speed, agility and other things that other mutants have.
5. When Xeus gets very angry his powers sort of come out in an unexpected uncontrollable eruption that can blow away everything in it’s path.
Xeus has been born on the beautiful Island of Mauritius. His father is half Creole and half Tamil from Mauritius. Xeus his mother is half Cuban and half Italian. Xeus is one of six children he has three sisters and two brothers. At the age of four Xeus his family moved from Mauritius to Italy only to move later on after 6 years back to Mauritius. After four years Xeus, his parents, one of his brothers and one of his sisters moved to the Netherlands. There he experienced an event that would have a traumatic effect for the rest of his live. Because of that event he had to move back to Mauritius to recover. After two years he went to stay with his mothers family to study. After two years Xeus suddenly disappeared to be never found again. He had been rescued or kidnapped by an organization that calls itself SIDO. It trains people (mutants) who have special skills and gifts that can benefit the government in top-secret espionage missions. Xeus was trained by this organization. After 9 years Xeus and others of his special task force were ordered to acquire an alien computer system and files of mutants of an organization called IHFC. However this mission failed miserably only part of the computer system was acquired and none of the files. Xeus had been abandoned by his organization in the heat of the battle with members of the IHFC. They held Xeus captive and the IHFC tried to extract the needed information from him but due to the elemental entity power force they have retrieved only fragments leaving them unanswered. They succeeded though in converting Xeus to their philosophy and lifestyle. Xeus has joined the BHC and has been part of the BHC for a few months now. When RKB was given the go to open a Purple Court, Xeus happily accepted the rank of Rook, the when Paradox stepped down, Xeus was promoted to Bishop.

Recent events have caused the Purple Court to completey split from the IHFC, making their own fully independant Club. And because of events that occured in Royal Blood, Crowned King *HF* the PHC has relocated to Burnley, England and changed their name to Blue.