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How to be a Hero

Over the past year, people have been coming up to me asking how they could be a Supah hero just like me. Well, I always tell them that it isn't very hard to find the hero from within. All you have to do is set them loose. But not too loose that they get away. No, you have to take that little hero inside of you and get him to work. No good hero is with a lazy mini-hero inside them. Some heroes have their heroes so big, that they are the hero. Someone like me. But you need to start small. Needle point small. Then you can learn to control it. Just like I did when I was first starting out. Sure my life was hard back then, but I overcame it. Just like you'll see in my bio. Wait, getting ahead of myself. Perhaps I'll just stick with handing out the rules.

10 simple rules about how you can be a Supah hero!

1)Don't belch on Tuesdays.

2)Avoid left handed bingo players.

3)Don't trust anyone over 80.

4)Never ride a cross eyed horse.

5)Don't sit near red-headed ladies.

6)Avoid places with "Shazwhazle" in the name.

7)Try getting a pet. A supah dog or a supah turtle may come in handy in those tight situations.

8)Stick to off beat paths. It'll eventually throw people off who are trailing you. Because one out of ever ten people are trailed and it could be you!

9)Have your name thrown around in the paper a lot. It gets you famous, you get gloating rights, and eventually criminals start talking about getting you out of the picture. And there you have it, you'll have your first supah villan!

10) -This is the most important rule of all- Don't stick peas up your nose!

There. Now you all know how you can be a Supah hero. Use these tips well, and remember who gave them to you once you start making some villans.