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Alter Egos

Who the hell am I? That's a question I don't even know the answer to. But these are a few names that people have believed me to go under.

Charles Manstead

This ones a biggie. Why? Because nearly everyone is convinced that I am Charles. The reporter from Global Post. I hope that you are all seriously joking. Would you see me as someone walking around with a microphone in hand, pretending to be an interviewer on a show called The Rich and The Not so Famous? I highly doubt it.


When I was in a coam, four people came out convinced they were me. But in the end, only one of them ended up being me; Tempest. Yes, I rather liked the name Tempest. I'm sure you are all wondering why I even called myself Tempest. Well? It was just to play along with the other three. Staring off with Twister. Who was he really? His real name ladies and gentlemen, is Al Gator!


This one should be easy. In case you don't know, Monsoon was actually the kid who dreamed of being tough. That's right, Pelro Montigue!


For this one, your guess is as good as mine. I had no idea who he was throughout the entire thing. I just hope that he isn't annoyed that I defeated him in our match.